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  #29 (permalink)  
قديم 10-02-2009, 09:53 PM
ضاقت علي الليالي ضاقت علي الليالي غير متصل
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2008
المشاركات: 34
معدل تقييم المستوى: 35
ضاقت علي الليالي يستحق التميز


انا قبل اسبوعين تقريبا اختبرت طباعه<<في الاحساء

وكان بالانقلش فقط هم بالمقابلة قالوا لي يبون سرعة 30

وبالاحتبار هو فيه برنامج تختار القطعة وتفتحه مكتوبه القطعة ولج وقت دقيقتين تكتبين

والحلو فيه انو الكلمة اللي المفروض تكتبينها يتغير لونها

لج 3 محاولات المهم اني جبت 26

وقلت لها ابي اعيده قالت لي انا مشغولة تعالي وقت ثانيو هيك

لانو الاختبار على جهازها

ورحت تدربت وطلعت نفس القطعة وتدربت عليها وجبت 32 ولله الحمد

هذا القطعة اللي جابوا لي بس موب كاملة

It was the last night of year. It had snowed, and it was very cold outside. Now it was nearly dark. In the cold and dark walked a poor little girl. She had no hat. She had no shoes. When she left home, she had shoes. They were very large. They had been her mother's. But she had run across the street to avoid a fast horse. The shoes were so big, they fell off as she ran.
Another child had found one shoe. He ran off with it. She couldn't find the other. So the little girl walked on with her tiny, naked feet. They were quite red and numb from cold.
The girl had many matches. She sold them for money. She kept most of them in an old opron. She held a bundle of them in her hand so people could see. But nobody had bought any from her the whole day. No one had given her a single cent.
And now she was hungry. She had no money for food. She couldn't stay
وهذا موقع حلو للتدريب على الطباعه للانقلش فقط


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