عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #65 (permalink)  
قديم 27-03-2009, 03:36 AM
انشراح الفجر انشراح الفجر غير متصل
نجم المنتدى
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
الدولة: طاعة ربي ..ورضآهـ
المشاركات: 8,078
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21474886
انشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداع

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عسل النحل مشاهدة المشاركة
Good morning every body
how are you sister inshrah I want to tell you I did not understand
However, there are certain exceptions to this rule. Some more modern words, and those words that have a Spanish/Italian origin that end in the letter ‘o’, just need to have an ‘s’ added to the end.

Peace be up on you sister
Let me explain the word exception to you first

look at this Hadith

(كل امتي معافى الا المجاهرون )

the prophet -peace be up on Him -said

that all Muslims sins are forgiven EXCEPT those who talk about their sins

so there is an EXCEPTION here

the same is in this rule

when we said that some words that end in (O) we add es like in

and the exception is that
there are some words end in (O) but we don't add es
we only add s
like in

hope you got it

Some nouns have the exact same spelling for both the singular form and the plural form. However, they do still have other plural forms that are considered correct.

see the word
fish (singular)

and the plural form can be
fish ---------or-----------fishes

only that

The word "eat"
Here I gave some examples to show the difference between
((((((eat ))))))and ((((((((food(((((((((

common error
My mother is co oking the eat
The eat tastes wonderful.
I like Mexican eat



Here are some correct phrases:

correct phrase

I don't eat fish
I go to eat at my grandmother's house