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  #5 (permalink)  
قديم 23-05-2007, 02:47 AM
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عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2007
المشاركات: 11
معدل تقييم المستوى: 37
linksys يستحق التميز

ويجزيكى خيرا ويرزقك الوظيفه يارب
وآسف انسيت احط قطعة تعبيري اللى كتبتها بالاختبار
بهذه القطعه ابغاك تشوف عدة نقاط
اولا كيف تبداء كتابة تعبير
تانيا خلى بالك من النقط والفواصل والحروف الكبتل
تالتا لازم تستخدم بالتعبير متل first.then.although.also.finally
رابعا استخدم مسطلحات لانها بتساعدك فى جلب الدرجات
اما تعبيري كان عن الدولة التى اريد ان ازورها وكتبت عن دولة اليابان لانه عندى خلفيه عنها
ولكى التعبير
While I was listening to a documentary about Japan and its capital, I had a strong desire to visit this beautiful country and do a lot of things there. Although I heard that Japan is one of the most expensive places in the world, it has been popular with travelers. Also, I heard that, they called Japan "The Land of The Rising Sun" because the sun rise from the fertile sea and disappear into the western mountains. First, I wish I could go to the countryside of Japan and see the snow tipped peak of Mount Fuji which is the biggest mountain in Japan. Then, I wish I could see the quiet villages surrounded by rice fields to the hectic bustle of thriving modern cities. I heard that Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan, is the city of attractions. It is full of the most vibrant entertainment life style hotels such as Park Hyatt and Le Meridian Grand Pacific Hotel. I wonder if I would have the chance to go to one of these hotels and enjoy the magnificence of its luxuriousness. Also, I wish I could be able to visit all the malls in Tokyo like My City and Loax to buy a lot of things such as *******, perfumes, and presents for my family, friends, and myself as well. In addition, I am one of the Technology lovers and Tokyo is the heart of all technological developments. So, I think I will enjoy shopping in the electronic stores and watching the last inventions for personal computers, lap tops, mobiles and the other electronic stuff. Walking around Tokyo will not be a short journey. So, I wish I would have enough time to go to several restaurants and try the Japanese food such as Sushi, Onegri, and Korokke. Also, I hope to visit the other popular places in Tokyo such as Tokyo Library, Rainbow Bridge, Tokyo Tower, and attend the tea ceremony which they make it at night celebrations on the streets. Finally, I wish my dream come true to visit this amazing country and go to Tokyo which has a lot of activities to do, places to go, and full of the natural beauty.

والله ولي التوفيق