عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 30-05-2009, 03:58 PM
الصورة الرمزية تفاحة الفردوس
تفاحة الفردوس تفاحة الفردوس غير متصل
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 137
معدل تقييم المستوى: 34425
تفاحة الفردوس محترف الإبداعتفاحة الفردوس محترف الإبداعتفاحة الفردوس محترف الإبداعتفاحة الفردوس محترف الإبداعتفاحة الفردوس محترف الإبداعتفاحة الفردوس محترف الإبداعتفاحة الفردوس محترف الإبداعتفاحة الفردوس محترف الإبداعتفاحة الفردوس محترف الإبداعتفاحة الفردوس محترف الإبداعتفاحة الفردوس محترف الإبداع
Wink وظائف شركة الوفير للطيران

- Following are the required employment prerequisites for Flight and Cabin Crew:
1. Captains: B747-400:
a. Total time: 4000 hour, of which: PIC Jet time with Commercial Air carrier operations: 2000 hours, of which : PIC Time on type: 1000 hours
b. Fluency in English. Current on type, Age 58 at the time of joining.
2. Co Pilots: B747-400:
a. Total time: 1500 hours of which: Time on type with Commercial Air carrier Operations: 500 hours
b. Fluency in English. Current on type, Age 58 at the time of joining.
3. Pilots who are rated on other wide body glass cockpit may apply. Applications shall be sorted and reviewed based on the following criteria:
a. Hours accumulated in Air Carrier operations under
b.Multi type ratings.
c.Previous Check Airman or TRI/TRE experience.
Applicants under this category shall be subject to Training Bond if found suitable for employment.
Competitive tax free benefits package, 2 years contract, 13 salaries per annum, generous performance incentives, Education assistance, single and family accommodation, life and medical insurance for self and family, and more.
To apply, please download the pilot job application from here and send it as an attachment to crewcareers@alwafeerair.com.
4. Cabin Crew:
a. Minimum age 21 years at the time of application, Minimum arm ***** of 210cm (on tip toes), Weight proportional to height.
b. Educated to at least high school standard. College degrees / diplomas are a definite advantage, Fluent in written and spoken English (fluency in another ******** is a definite advantage) Previous experience in the airline service/ hospitality industry is an advantage.
Competitive tax free benefits package, 3 years contract, 13 salaries per annum, generous performance incentives, single accommodation, life and medical insurance, and more.
To apply, please download the cabin crew job application from here, and send as an attachment to crewcareers@alwafeerair.com.
- For all Ground Staff and Management job application, please download the application form from here and send it as an attachment to groundcareers@alwafeerair.com

لمزيد من المعلومات الدخول على الرابط

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة تفاحة الفردوس ; 30-05-2009 الساعة 04:08 PM