عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 03-08-2009, 07:16 AM
جلاردو جلاردو غير متصل
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2009
المشاركات: 21
معدل تقييم المستوى: 32
جلاردو يستحق التميز
][ مهندس مدني .. بالمنطقة الغربية ][

السلام عليكم ..

انا المهندس جلال من منطقة مكة المكرمة ...
متخرج حديثا من جامعة ام القرى .. من قسم الهندسة المدنية ..
وارغب رغبة تامه في الحصول على وظيفه في مكة او جدة ..

وأليكم السيرة الذاتية لي :


Personal Information

Full Name: Jalal Ahmad S. Al Zahrani

Address: Al-Rusaifah
Holy Makkah
P.O.Box: 9494

Telephone: 966 2 - مخالف -
Mobile Phone: 966 5 مخالف
E-Mail: مخالف

Nationality Saudi
Date of Birth: Des 8, 1982
Marital Status: Single

Languages: Arabic "Fluent" and English" Excellent ".

Interests: Reading, Internet, TV , Football


I am a well motivated self starter engineer, able to rise to a challenge in civil engineering field. and To be a part of a highly professional team, to Contest and achieving greater challenges and more responsibilities in an administrative oriented company, to apply the knowledge attained from my study to experience and widen it.

Academic Education

2009 July Umm Al- Qura University
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering


Personals: I am aspiring to be very success, open-minded, able to hard work, able to solve problems, able to discussion, Presentation, Preparation, Coordination, Participate and Input data.

Technical: Dealing with engineering software (sap2000, AutoCAD) and Ms Office.


2007 Training in the al Baracati Foundation Contractors.
2008 Training in Water and Sewerage Authority.

Graduated Project

Dams (Musk Lake) and Neural networks

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة جلاردو ; 03-08-2009 الساعة 07:21 AM
رد مع اقتباس