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قديم 31-10-2006, 03:02 AM
الصورة الرمزية الياسمين
الياسمين الياسمين غير متصل
عضو مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
المشاركات: 1,314
معدل تقييم المستوى: 115
الياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداع

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Home > English Language Programs
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>> Learn more about the new Department of State English Access Microscholarship Program.
The Office of English Language Programs creates and implements high quality, targeted English language programs in specific regions and countries of the world. All programs are administered through the local American Embassy or Consulate.
The Office has a staff of Regional English Language Officers (RELOs), program specialists, and support staff based in Washington and overseas. All RELOs hold advanced academic degrees in the teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL), applied linguistics, or a related field. They have, as well, many years of experience as EFL teachers, teacher trainers, university educators, and administrators.
Staff plan, conduct, promote and support programs sponsored by field posts and/or host country institutions such as ********** of Education, universities, and American Embassy-related English language programs (Binational Centers and U.S. Embassy English Teaching Programs). Activities include the development of English teaching curricula, textbooks, and teacher training workshops. The Washington office staff provide academic expertise, advisory and consultative assistance, and materials resources worldwide. They also organize several exchange programs that send American academics overseas at the request of American Embassies or Consulates to conduct a wide variety of activities related to training, methodology, curriculum development, needs analysis, textbook development, program evaluation, and English for Specific Purposes (ESP).
The English language is the most widely taught foreign language in the world, chosen most often as the first foreign language of study. While the position of English in international business, as well as in science and technology, makes it a global language, there is a great need and demand for improving the training of English teachers from governments worldwide. By assisting teacher training programs overseas, the US Government can help foster an English competent world in which U.S. universities, businesses and other organizations can flourish and advance American interests.
The Office of English Language Programs provides professional teacher training programs worldwide to promote understanding of American language, society, culture, values and policies. It is only through a thorough understanding of each other's cultures that we can establish and maintain a foundation of international cooperation and trust.
Please look through our pages for programs or materials of interest to you. Feel free to email us at english@state.gov if you have questions that are not answered on our list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). And remember, the first and best point of contact is often at the American Embassy or Consulate in your country, or with the Regional English Language Officer in your area.

The Office of English Language Programs
US Department of State (Annex #44)
301 4th Street, S.W., Room 304
Washington, D.C. 20547

Phone: 202-453-8859
Fax: 202-453-8858
Email: english@state.gov

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