عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #10 (permalink)  
قديم 31-10-2006, 03:09 AM
الصورة الرمزية الياسمين
الياسمين الياسمين غير متصل
عضو مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
المشاركات: 1,314
معدل تقييم المستوى: 115
الياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداع

US Consulate General in Dhahran held a reception for Saudi students

Twenty-nine Saudi students attended the event. The US Consul General, John Kincannon welcomed the students and introduced them to the consulate staff. Brad Niemann, the Public Affairs Officer at the consulate, encouraged the students to take advantage of the different opportunities available to students studying in the United States. Ms. Shiny Mary Varghese, the Education Advisor at the consulate, briefed the students on issues related to studying in the US, tips on traveling to their final destinations, and how to make their stay in the United States a good one. Abdulaziz Al Naim, Chairman & CEO of Yareem Arabia, a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, capped off the evening by sharing his personal experiences in the US. He then took questions from the attending students, along with members of the Consulate staff. After that, the Consul General invited the students and their accompanying parents to an American-style barbeque.

The Education Advising Office at the US Consulate is now serving students in the Eastern Province. The following services are provided:
• Accreditation: The Educational Advising Office verifies diplomas from American universities accredited by one of the regional or national accrediting associations recognized by the US Department of Education. Higher education in the US is subject to an external review to ensure that colleges and universities provide quality educational programs. Attestation by the Educational Advising Office is a requirement of the Ministry of Labour in Saudi Arabia. Employers may require accreditation of diplomas for evaluating the credentials of new employees or considering promotion for an existing employee.

• Individual and group counseling: advice on application, university searches, and admission formalities
• Use of Student advising library
• Pre-departure briefing
• Proctoring
• Providing information and/or registration materials for all standardized testing programs including TOEFL, SAT I & II, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, USMLE, and CGFNS

For Appointment:

Saturday: Walk in: 2.00 – 4.00 Contact: Shiny Mary Varghese
Sunday: By Appointment Only Phone: 330-3200 ext 3044
Monday: By Appointment Only Fax: 330-1023
Tuesday: Walk in: 9.00 – 11.30
Email: varghesesm@state.gov