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قديم 02-11-2006, 01:50 PM
الصورة الرمزية ولد جدة
ولد جدة ولد جدة غير متصل
عضو سوبر
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
المشاركات: 482
معدل تقييم المستوى: 38
ولد جدة تم تعطيل التقييم
Cool عاجل: مطلوب وظيفة Java Programmer

شركة كبرى بمدينة الرياض بالمملكة العربية السعودية تعمل في مجال تقنية المعلومات ( IT ) ترغب بتعيين مبرمج جافا(Java Programmer) وبأسرع وقت ممكن ..

1. راتب مغري جداً.
2. تأمينات اجتماعية.
3. تأمين طبي للموظف وللعائلة في أرقى مستشفيات المملكة.
4. الجو الملائم للعمل.
5. سيارة خاصة.
6. إجازة 40 يوم في السنة.

الشروط مذكورة باللغة الإنجليزية:

Java Programmer
Essential Functions:
The Java Application developer will be responsible for system analysis, design, application development and implementation of business systems. The developer will perform full life-cycle development of a server and client software and create application designs, develop software, perform unit testing and create documentation. This developer will have the opportunity to use open source tools as well as commercial tools developed by Microsoft and Sun.

Essential Knowledge:
Must have six (5) years experience with components of the J2EE framework on large Enterprise level Applications, including professional experience creating or re-creating (re-using) EJB's and Servlets, J2EE, EJB, Servlets, JSPs, JMS, JDBC, XML, XSL, HTML, JavaScript, MQ Seri UML, ANT. J2EE application design and Object Oriented design. Extensive experience (4 years) developing J2EE application (JSP, Servlets, EJB, JMS, JDBC. JTA, JNDI, and JSSE). Experience developing J2EE applications within a clustered application server environment. J2EE application build process using ANT and deployment. Knowledge of and ability to apply common J2EE Design Patterns and GoF, Design Patterns. Version and Source Control Systems (SCCS, PVCS, or CVS). Familiarity with network programming (TCP/IP, IIOP, RPC, RMI, and SOAP). Expert knowledge of all aspects of Internet development, both client-side (HTML, JavaScript, CSS) & server-side (J2EE). Experience with the Struts Framework, including a thorough knowledge of the Struts and SJTL tag libraries and extensively involved in front end applications development.

Essential Education:
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering, or related technical field plus six (5) years of Java development experience. Java programmer certification is a plus.

Essential Skills:
Candidate must have worked as a member of team to architect large, high-volume, high-concurrent user web sites and have been successful at build and deployment of these types of applications.

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