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  #12 (permalink)  
قديم 29-07-2007, 06:16 PM
Dr.NoWay Dr.NoWay غير متصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
الدولة: In the sky
المشاركات: 2,220
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
Dr.NoWay يستحق التميز

Hi Half Woman,

I loved all the pics , i liked this in particular.

I think its so true not to trust people who are driven by thier emotions , cus they can be unstable .

im not saying that we should all be ROBOTS but not to be controled with our emotions.

and this actually is a very important rule for any one who wants to be professional in his job. so he comes to work without emotion , leaving his personal baggage at home .

this ability to detach your self from the outside influnces is very important .

So , if u r a seller in a shop u should treat all the custumers with the same way. not to treat them right only when i am in a good mood, and bad when im in a bad mood.

think of the doctors if they were emotional ......Actually u dont want to think about it

By the way i just heard that, Iraq had a goal in Saudi -Don't
worry we will win

So , also emotion lead us to think of people in a certian way . So we discremenate between black and white people or man and woman or Saudi and not Saudi and such...

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