عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 21-08-2007, 06:37 PM
الصورة الرمزية حسن 1011
حسن 1011 حسن 1011 غير متصل
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2007
المشاركات: 113
معدل تقييم المستوى: 36
حسن 1011 يستحق التميز
Smile mtc....أفتدي نظرة عيونك واشتريها بألف خاطر...mtc

السلام عليكم ورجمة الله وبركلته
شباب ممكن مساعده ممكن ترجمة هل الرساله .
هذي رساله جاتني على الأيميل من mtc بس ماعندي سالفه في E .
وشاكر لكم ....

Thank you for participating in MTC KSA’s assessment centre process. We are very pleased with your performance and the potential you have demonstrated during the process and we would like to invite you to join us as a Customer Service Representative (CSR) trainee.

We will be offering you the best-in-class training leading to a challenging professional career with MTC KSA.

We will get back in touch with you again in two weeks to advise you on the next steps regarding the offer. Our recruitment team will take care of all recruitment and administration matters, including presenting you the details of the offer.

Again, congratulations for this great achievement, which we are sure, will be the first of many once you are part of the MTC KSA family.

Yours sincerely,

ويعطيكم العافيه ..