عرض مشاركة واحدة
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قديم 09-12-2010, 04:16 PM
احمدطلال احمدطلال غير متصل
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
المشاركات: 12
معدل تقييم المستوى: 30
احمدطلال يستحق التميز
ماجستير ادارة اعمال يبحث عن وظيفة


****ing a challenging opportunity in a progressive organization that offers career growth, self-development and long term prospects.
Personal Information
-Name : Ahmad Talal Mirza - Date of Birth: 15 -April - 1982
-Nationality: Saudi - Marital Status: Married
-P.O.Box: 1159- Jeddah


Academic Degree
-Master degree in Business and Management from Strathclyde University in United Kingdom,2006.
-Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering With a GPA 4.04/5.00 from King Abdul-Aziz University in Saudi Arabia, 2005.
- Fluent in Arabic and good in English.
Work Experience
-Working nowadays in Bait ********* as HR Consultant since 30th May 2010.
-Working in Amiantit Group as Maintenance department head in the factory from 12/07/2008 to 26/05/2010.
-Working in Saudi Economic & Development Company (Sedco) as general(Branch) manager in Applebee's restaurant from 04/02/2007 to 12/04/2008.
-Working in Establishment of Motawifs of Southwest Asia from 2004/12/27 to 2005/03/11 as data entry.
-Summer training in United Carton Industry Company from 2004/06/19 to 2004/08/25.
-Working also in Hajj season on 2002 & 2003.
Training Program
- Attend training on Maintenace Planning, Scheduling & Work Control in Saudi Council of Engineers during 21-25 Feb 2009
-Attend training on Intenal Quality Auditing in Amiantit Group during 26-27 Nov 2008
Extra-curricular Activities
-Member in Saudi Society of Industrial & System Engineering.
-Member in Industrial Engineering Student Unit.
Personal Skills
-Punctual leadership and Self-motivated.
-Good Communication Skills.
-Work well independently, individually or in team.
-Ability to withstand the pressure of the work.
Computer Skills
- Good Knowledge in hardware & software.
- Sound experience in almost all Microsoft programs like Windows, MS Office etc.
- Excellent typing skills in both English and Arabic languages.
-Excellent Internet skills.
-Good knowledge of SAP application
-Dr. Seraj Yousef Abed, Assistant Professor, Industrial Eng. Dept., Phone: مخالف
-Raied Abdul Salam, Area Manger, Applebee’s Restaurant, Phone:مخالف

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة يـرِبــِشٌ ; 09-12-2010 الساعة 11:42 PM سبب آخر: التواصل عبر الخاص
رد مع اقتباس