عرض مشاركة واحدة
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قديم 15-12-2010, 09:44 PM
رحاااال رحاااال غير متصل
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشاركات: 4
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
رحاااال محترف الإبداعرحاااال محترف الإبداعرحاااال محترف الإبداعرحاااال محترف الإبداعرحاااال محترف الإبداعرحاااال محترف الإبداعرحاااال محترف الإبداعرحاااال محترف الإبداعرحاااال محترف الإبداعرحاااال محترف الإبداعرحاااال محترف الإبداع
الدمام \\ رجال \\ مدير مستودعات

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
مطلوب مطلوب مدير مستودعات للعمل لدى شركة في الدمام
تقدم الشركة التأمين الطبي للموظف وعائلتة
الرجاءارسال السيرة الذاتية لمن تنطبق علية الشروط فقط على

الايميل التالي : mutebhadi@hotmail.com


1-Take physical stock taking of all the stores items lying inside PS.

2. Make an inventory record manually.

3. Make groups for inventory as per departments (Therapy, Fitness, Saloon etc.) and coding for the same in the computer package with rates (subject to availability of rates).

4. Proper placement / storage as per requirement of the item (temperature, sun light etc)

5. Issue items on using FIFO (first in first out) method.

6. Never issue stores without requisition slips (duly signed) and all issues must be recorded department wise (Therapy, saloon, fitness, retail etc).

7. Keep an eye on near to expiry items and identify time and again to the management when 6 months are left in expiry.

8. Check expiry before issuance and never issue expired item to the department.

9. Expired items after approval must be taken out from the stores.

10. For stores management, minimum order level to be observed and simultaneously keep an eye on slow, dead or obsolete items.

11. Prepare monthly consumption report and identify to the management zero rated issuance of stores.

12. Make assure that each and every item must be routed through stores, no matter what is the cost and nature of the item.

13. Other duties altered or assigned from time to time.


1. Knowledge of stores management, MS office, internet browsing, sending pictures of stores items (on demand) and accounting software applications

2. Minimum three years of experience for running stores independently. English understanding and reading is must.