تعلن الشركة العالمية لأنابيب الدكتايل المحدودة INDIPCO عن توفر الوظائف التالية :
(Jobs Categories)
Sl No. Positions Job Code
1 Electrical Superintendent (Sr. Elect. Engr.) 2213011
2 Electrical Engineer - Plant 2213011
3 Machine Shop Foreman 2215171
4 Melting % MG.Treatment 2217021
5 Casting & Anealing f/c 2217021
6 Core & mols shop 2218011
7 Quality Control Supervisor(Laboratories) 2218181
8 Accountant, costs 2622021
9 Electronic Technician 3213152
10 Fabricator 3215062
11 Mould Inspection 3215102
12 A/C Technicians 3215152
13 Mechanical Technician 3215312
14 Engineer – PPC 3215322
15 First aid nurse , emergency 3311022
16 Lab Technician 3316042
17 office clerk 4125034
18 Dispatch & Logistics In-Charge 6321015
19 warehouseman/labor 6321015
20 ******* / Labours 6331025
22 Cement Motar Mixing and Supply 8155025
23 Sand Drying 8222094
24 On-line Inspector 8234035
25 Shop Machinist 9111125
26 General founder 9112063
27 Pipe Discharge operator 9112095
28 Furnace Operator 32mtrs. 9112114
29 56mtr and Vertical f/c 9112114
30 Cement Curing Oven 9112114
31 Annealing Furnace 9112114
32 Trigrinding and Cutting 9113024
33 Paint Repair 9114185
34 Epoxy Coating 9117115
35 Sector Ladle Deslagging 9117155
36 Air Compressor Technician 9122114
37 Helper Technicians 9122145
38 Trough Maintenance 9123114
39 Bus driver 9141024
40 Drivers – Logistics Vehicles 9143174
41 Core Fitting and M/C Operation 9144075
42 Core shifting & M/C operator 9144075
43 Core Sand Mixing 9144075
44 Zinc Spraying 9144075
45 Ovality Correction 9144075
46 Bitumen 9144075
47 H P TM 9144075
48 Transporting 9144075
49 Diesel Mechanic 9151054
50 Medium Voltage Electrician 9212184
51 Industrial Electrician 9213034
52 Electronic & Instrumentation Foreman 9224013
53 Carpenters 9311013
54 Cement Lining Operator 9412215
55 Systems Administrator (ERP, Web, DB, Network, Security) 9988011
Candidates should meet the following conditions for all jobs:-
- Minimum 6 years experience in the same job .
- Hold appropriate qualifications for the job.
- All nationalities are welcome and prefer Saudis.
-The company offers competitive salaries and incentives.
-Priority to those with experience in the field of ductile Iron pipes.
-Job code must be mentioned.
-If you are qualified candidate please send your CV and supporting documents to:
-The company has visas for Indians and Filipino candidates.
الافضلية للسعوديين
تتطلب خبرة 6 سنوات والشهادات والالمام بالانجليزي
وللتقديم ترسل السيرة الذاتية الى الايميل اعلاه