عرض مشاركة واحدة
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قديم 30-12-2006, 03:39 AM
الصورة الرمزية موظفمصرف الراجحي
موظفمصرف الراجحي موظفمصرف الراجحي غير متصل
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2006
المشاركات: 83
معدل تقييم المستوى: 37
موظفمصرف الراجحي يستحق التميز
وظائف جديدة في ارامكو

السلام عليكم وكل عام وانتم بالف صحة وسلامة وتقبل الله منا ومنك صالح الاعمال...

ندخل في الموضوع هذي وظائف جديدة في ارامكو لقيتها صدفة وهذي هي واللي ميعرف انقليزي الله يعينه ...
Saudi Aramco
Current job openings at Saudi Aramco:

Job TitleDate
(click to sort)Region
(click to sort)Experience
(click to sort)Drilling & Workover Engineer17-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsDrilling Superintendent17-12-2006Middle East6-10 yearsRefining & Marketing Manager-Fuel Products17-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsDriller Industrial Skills Trainer17-12-2006Middle East3-5 yearsPetroleum Engineer - Drilling Training17-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsDrilling Supervisor17-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsElectrical Engineer (Process Facilities)17-12-2006Middle East6-10 yearsChemical-Petrochemical Engineering Consultant17-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsRefining & Petrochemical Consultant17-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsO-D & Job Evaluation Specialist17-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsSulfur Recovery-Utilization Research Specialist17-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsEngineering Specialist Hydroprocessing17-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsElectrical Power Systems Engineer14-12-2006Middle East6-10 yearsFacilities Planning Specialist14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsCarbon Capture Specialist - Surface14-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsRefining & Petrochemical Consultant14-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsMechanical Engineer14-12-2006Middle East6-10 yearsTalent Management Specialist14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsBusiness Development Specialist14-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsSr. Inspection Engineer- Refinery14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsReservoir Engineering Consultant-Specialist14-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsFacilities Development Specialist14-12-2006..worldwide..more than 15 yearsProject Engineers (Process Facilities)14-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsInstrument Design Engineer (Process Plants)14-12-2006Middle East6-10 yearsReservoir Engineering Specialist14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsPetrochemicals FP Specialist- (Process14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsSr. Water Injection Facility Engineer14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsPetroleum Engineering Specialist14-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsOperational-Compliance Auditor14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsSr. Plant Operations Engineers14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsAccounting and Financial Analyst-CPA14-12-2006Middle East6-10 yearsFraud Forensic Auditor14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsFinance Professionals14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsContract Representative14-12-2006Middle East6-10 yearsGeological Specialist (Basin Modeling)14-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsReserves & Resource Assessor14-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsCarbonate Sedimentologist14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsClastic Sedimentologist14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsGeophysical Consultant14-12-2006Middle Eastmore than 15 yearsSeismic Processing Geophysicist14-12-2006Middle East6-10 yearsComputer Facilities Coordinator14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsRegional Petrophysicist14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsProduction Engineer14-12-2006Middle East6-10 yearsRock Mechanics Specialist14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsGeological Specialist14-12-2006Middle East11-15 yearsSenior Crew Supervisor14-12-2006Middle East6-10 yearsStructural Analyst14-12-2006Middle East11-15 years

وللتقديم على الوظيفة يرجى الدخول على الرابط التالي وترا كل الموقع انقليزي * انقليزي
طبعا شروطهم قوية شوي بس الله يعينكم ويوفقكم


موظف مصرف الراجحي