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قديم 12-04-2011, 07:46 AM
الصورة الرمزية ذوي احتياجات
ذوي احتياجات ذوي احتياجات غير متصل
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2011
المشاركات: 1
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
ذوي احتياجات يستحق التميز
فرصة للشركات والمؤسسات

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...

شاب سعودي من ذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة , يحمل كرت إعاقة

يرغب في تقديم خدماته للمنشأت التي ترغب في الإستفادة من خدماته - على أن يوفر له:

1. عقد عمل لمدة سنة - بمسمى معقب / مندوب
2. عائد شهري 2500 كـحد أدنى بعد احتساب التأمينات.
3. إلتزام جهة العمل بمنحة مزايا التالية: بطاقة موظف + خطابات تعريف.

- مع تعهده بتقديم جميع بياناته بكل أمانه ومصداقية.
* الشاب لديه تقارير رسمية تفيد بأنه (غيرلائق للعمل طبياً) صادرة من مجمع الملك سعود الطبي بالرياض.

- وهذي نبذه مختصره عنه شخصيته:

Personal Background:
- A 28 years old, Saudi citizen, married looking for a job of an administrative nature.

I would like to join in the work you have to improve my talents and my experiences. Willing to get full-time job.
Qualifications Education: High school + student irregularly Bachelor degree–majoring

in Mechanical Engineering.
-June 2001: High school graduation with a GPA of (95.71%).

-Aug. 2001-Now: student at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals for five years. Then, I transferred to King Saud University. Currently, I'm looking for a new challenge.

-June 2009: passing ICDL tests.

-May 2010:12-hours training course in (building and managing teams) at King Saud


Work Experience:

- In 2000, as an assistant in admission & registration office at Al-Jeel school for 2months.

- In 2002, for full semester, as a part-time job, working with Co-operating Program Director at KFUPM.
- The summer 2009, call center employee for 45 days at AlRajhi Bank.
- April 2010: member of public relations team of the organization committee for the 2nd career day 1431A.H.– King Saud University.

- June 2010: member of public relations team of the organization committee for the 2nd meeting of scientific – King Saud University.

- 3rd July 2010- till now: member of corporate communication Team at Allianz Saudi Fransi Cooperative Insurance Company as Comm. Assistant.


- High communication skills, and having the ability to form good relations.

- Good experience in managing (internal & external) campiness and public events.

- Good experience in marketing surveys and after sale services.

- Relevant to Media World & Public Relation duties.
- Excellent linguistic skills (speaking, reading and writing).
- Lots of experience in preparing (reports, presentations and searches).

- Good experience in secretary duties and both inventory and archiving system.

- Open minded & working to up grade my skills.

- Able to mange multi-tasks at the same time, with adding creative ideas.

- sports and reading in the subjects of technology.
- eager to learn and develop new skills.
- looking forward to be part of work environment based on competition & teamwork.

* All personal references available upon request.

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة يـرِبــِشٌ ; 12-04-2011 الساعة 09:25 PM
رد مع اقتباس