Personal information: --
Age: Year
Marital status: Married.
Number of children: 0
********: RIYADH - Saudi Arabia --
Scientific testimony: --
Educational level: Bachelor
University: King Saud University
Specialization: computer (computer science)
Estimate: Good.
Graduation Date: in 2006
Practical experiences: --
-- Engineer networks: --
Duration: 3 months
Salary: Trainee
The workplace: Customs Department - Ministry of Finance --
-- A systems analyst: --
Duration: on-the-job
Salary: 6000 Real
The workplace: Marketing - Mobile STC --
Skills: --
Yields English: --
Level talk: Very good
The level of writing: excellent
Reading level: Excellent
Arab yield: --
Level talk: excellent
The level of writing: excellent
Reading level: Excellent
Computer applications: very good.
اتمنى اني فدتك ولاتنساني من دعائك والسيره الذاتيه حقتك مضبوطه مايحتاج لها اي شي الله يوفقك ودعواتك لي ......
عزوف الجروح