بما ان الكثير من المتقدمااااااات انجلش
وزي ما وعدتهن اني انزل تلخيص ل morphology لانه جاء عنه سؤال
طبعا كانو تاركين صفحة واحده يعني يبغون فكره عامه فقط لانه في الكتاب الي عندي شارحينه في اكثر من 100 صفحة
وكنت بنزل التلخيص في مستند وورد بس خفت ما يفتح عند البعض
فراح انزل التلخيص هنا
Morphology is the study of the internal structure of words. To make what do we mean clear , we must know the definition of the morpheme. A morpheme is a short segment ol ******** that meets 3 criteria:
1- it is a word or a part of a word that has meaning.
2- it cannot be divided into s****er meaningful parts without violation of its meaning or without meaningless remainders.
3- it recurs in differing verbal environments with a relatively stable meaning.
In morpheme-based morphology, word forms are analyzed as arrangements of morphemes. In a word like independently, we say that the morphemes are in-, depend, -ent, and ly; depend is the root and the other morphemes are, in this case, derivational affixes ( derivational suffix change the part of speech of the word to which it is added for example the noun act becomes an adjective by adding -ive . In a word like dogs, we say that dog is the root, and that -s is an inflectional morpheme. ( inflectional morpheme is an affix that changes the grammatical function of a word , for example a change that makes a noun plural or makes a verb into the past tense ) [/align]