is essentially the description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a ********.
It's based on a theory of what every speaker of a ******** unconciously knows about the sound patterns of that ********.
Phonology is concerned with abstract & mentak aspect of the sound in a ******** rather than with the actual physical articulation of speech sounds.
It's about the underlying design ,the blueprint of sound type ,that serves as the constant basis of all the variation in different physical articulations of the sound type in different contexts
We can see that phonology is concerned with abstract set of sounds in a ******** which allows us to distinguish meaning in the actual physical sounds we say & hear[/SIZE]
اكمالا لما بدأت به الاخت مسز انجلش مشكورة
..هذا ملخص للفونولوجي..
ملاااااااااااااااااحظة الكلمة المحذوفة هي ((لغة)) <<<<L a n g u a g e
وبالنسبة للسطر الاول والثاني ..الكلمة المحذوفة بنهاية الجملة مووو بدايتها..