المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اكتفيت
Am I talking about pronunciation here??
Words/ terms in books are difficult and boring because native speakers rarely use them.
I hope you understand what I mean, sis
[align=center]I did understand you from the beginning but i'm presenting my way i'm reading alot before discussion
it ***** actively...الكلمة المحذوفة هنا w o r k s سلاماااااااااااات اذا فيه مشرف ...ليش تنحذف؟؟؟؟ اذا عصبت الله يستر ع اللغه لاعربي ولا انجليزي...هههههههه
.ok ,what about your English do you use it daily???....[/align]