The scientific qualifications المؤهلات العلمية
[bkaalwrys literatures specialization of historiography 1428[h] good estimate in a ratio of 77.41
Studies presently English diploma of language
The scientific cycles الدورات العلمية
Acourse of Entry data and tex ts processing for 3 months
Training course with excellent gradein maaref for 10 hours
skills المهارات
perfect using compater programs
Speed of the printing
Art of the persuasion excelled
Languages of the English is good
The purpose from the positionالغرض من الوظيفة
The dependency on ways new in the education
The rising in rotary my as individual of blessing gathered
The distinctiveness and ideal in the work
أتمنى أن أكون قد وفقت في مساعدتك اختي الكريمه
فإن أصبت فمن الله وأن اخطائت فمن نفسي والشيطان