الموضوع: AlFaris InfoCom
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  #3 (permalink)  
قديم 05-09-2006, 04:55 AM
الصورة الرمزية الياسمين
الياسمين الياسمين غير متصل
عضو مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
المشاركات: 1,314
معدل تقييم المستوى: 115
الياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداعالياسمين محترف الإبداع
رد: AlFaris InfoCom

With our dynamic history, Al Faris Info Com offers employees a chance to grow to realize their full potential. With a competitive benefits package and strong culture, it's the right combination for a great career.
Al Faris is an equal opportunity employer and encourages students and trainees to apply. Principals only, please. We Don't Just Develop Great Software, We Develop Great People!
At Al Faris technologies, the single most important element that contributes to our overall success is the quality of our employees. Al Faris understands that quality employees are the reason for successful business endeavors. It's not just our award-winning software that keeps us at the top, it's our people. Al Faris attracts the best and brightest individuals in the industry. So whether you're a recent graduate, a programming veteran or a marketing genius, there's plenty of opportunities abound at Al Faris.
SAP Consultant
BE/B.Tech/MCA/M.Sc with a minimum of 60%. A post graduation in Management/ Engineering or SAP certification is desirable, though not essential. Experience as follows:

- Functional (Code 01): SAP consultants with minimum one project
implementation and 2 years industry experience. Exposure to mySAP.com and
latest version of SAP would be an advantage.
- Technical - ABAP/4 (Code 02): SAP-ABAP/4/BASIS consultants with minimum two years ABAP/4 project experience and 1-2 years programming experience. Experience in ITS, BAPI, ALE, RFC, workflow and web enabling would be an added advantage.
- Technical - BASIS (Code 03): SAP-BASIS consultants with minimum one
project experience and 1-2 years of DBA experience in MS-SQL, ORACLE or other databases. Knowledge of operating systems like Windows NT, UNIX, AIX, etc. is a must.
- SAP new dimension products (Code 04): Trained or experienced
professionals in the areas of BW, APO, B2B, Enterprise Buyer/ BBP, CRM may apply. A minimum of two years experience in related areas and 2-3 years of
industry/IT experience is desirable, which can be relaxed for exceptional