عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 09-05-2008, 04:57 PM
وسيم لكن حنين وسيم لكن حنين غير متصل
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 126
معدل تقييم المستوى: 35
وسيم لكن حنين يستحق التميز

§ Nationality: Saudi Arabia
§ Date of Birth:
§ Marital status: Ezbet
§ Address:
§ Mobile: Tel:
§ E-mail:
§ Education: Bachelor's degree Home economics allocate food and nutrition from the University of King Abdul Aziz appreciated the excellent in 2005 with honors first.
§ experience: I am currently consulting the secretary status for self-improvement and psychological Jeddah.
Certificate training as a teacher in a school girl future date to 29/11/1426 e e 21/3/1427.
§ sessions:
Certificate of passing the license to lead the International Computer Model International Academy of Jeddah.
Certificate attend the session on the basics of healthy nutrition 22-23/4/1428 at 12 hours of continuing medical education and professional dietitians and certified by the Saudi health specialties.
Certificate of completion of the client service on 25/11/1427 to 29/11/1428 e e of the World Institute of Higher.
Certificate of completion of the comprehensive quality of e 2/12/1427 to 6/12/1428 e of the World Institute of Higher.
Certificate of passing the Flash and Photoshop for a period of three weeks of the World Institute higher for women.
Certificate of passing the employee to receive one month of public administration for joint training.
Where the session .. After graduation, held the status of Khadija Bint Khuwaylid for 20 hours.
Cycle for 80 hours in each of the (Windows + A + Excel + Access + PowerPoint + print + Internet + knowledge)
Institute for the Future Generation appreciated excellent.
Certificate of attendance, thanks to a training course in digital imaging assets of Extra on 18 e zero 1427.
Certificate of attendance, thanks to a training course in the basics of computer and Internet technologies of the Extra on 18
E zero 1427.
§ personal skills: accurate, flexible, conservative, organization, methodology, balanced, nice, bent. ..... According to Thomas tested on 11-6-1426 e
§ Interests: photography - reading - fishing - the Internet.
§ Activities: Certificate of participation in the activity of the food and nutrition (food of your life) 1426 e University
King Abdul Aziz.
§ building: the use of the computer in an excellent manner, to work within the team, work and expense accounts, the organization dates, data entry speeds good, send faxes, work reports, Telemarketing.
§. Goals: develop personal and professional skills

هذا والله أعلم

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة lotis ; 09-05-2008 الساعة 06:54 PM
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