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  #17 (permalink)  
قديم 20-05-2012, 02:18 AM
الصورة الرمزية رحاب الحربي
رحاب الحربي رحاب الحربي غير متصل
عضو مهم
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2012
المشاركات: 253
معدل تقييم المستوى: 1727
رحاب الحربي محترف الإبداعرحاب الحربي محترف الإبداعرحاب الحربي محترف الإبداعرحاب الحربي محترف الإبداعرحاب الحربي محترف الإبداعرحاب الحربي محترف الإبداعرحاب الحربي محترف الإبداعرحاب الحربي محترف الإبداعرحاب الحربي محترف الإبداعرحاب الحربي محترف الإبداعرحاب الحربي محترف الإبداع

To enable our student to communicate in English orally and in writing -
To afford the secondary school student a ****** on the world -
-To give the secondary school student an experience of delight through reading of English that have a universal appeal both in art and sciences.
-To cultivate the student's critical thinking as useful adjunct to intelligent reading of English texts.
-To give play to the student's imagination by means of imagery in poetry and visualization of character.
-To produce the student who intends to join the university or other higher institutes with adequate knowledge of English to help her in future studies.
- To give the student who finishes her formal education in the third year sufficient knowledge of the language in her education .
-To help the student to gain a reasonable command of English in order to be in a better to defend Islam against adverse and to participate in dissemination of Islamic culture.

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