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  #4 (permalink)  
قديم 21-05-2012, 09:56 AM
نينا وبس نينا وبس غير متصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2010
المشاركات: 1,050
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
نينا وبس محترف الإبداعنينا وبس محترف الإبداعنينا وبس محترف الإبداعنينا وبس محترف الإبداعنينا وبس محترف الإبداعنينا وبس محترف الإبداعنينا وبس محترف الإبداعنينا وبس محترف الإبداعنينا وبس محترف الإبداعنينا وبس محترف الإبداعنينا وبس محترف الإبداع

ياحليلك ياحموودي الله يرفع قدرك^^


مقتطفات منوعه لي من مشاركات منوعه هههههه

The word homme means a one who spend much time in house

hommo is a totaly diferent word lol you dont have to look up for it such an improper one i guess


you mean you haven't graduate yet ?!!

well, for me it is quiet differ from you , being a gurl means a total different life style than being a guy but I can help from the academic view I mean you shouldn’t stop learning at a certain point at all just don’t go say oh, I have finished skool so no need to learn or improve a certain skill coz I have the feelin that I have it all already, we can never ever grasp or understand a concept or even a thought I mean this is the life every single day of it is a new lesson at least for me lol

being a social person or an outdoor, you wouldn’t believe how much I get from being homme !! you know the word homme is a slang word stands for ppl who stay a lot at home not that pereverb weird word lol jk

so, now I'm looking for a job in one of the institutes in our nearby place, they offer me job to be an English trainee and set me a n oppinment for the interview im scared to hell lol but yh I ignore that offer actually, found a better one yaay!! I feel like if my social life is getting back to life again wat a feeiln lol so, this new job is in here
FOLLOW the link and help me a lil bit your efforts would be highly appreciated @^^

yh,tell me about it! Lol

uh, but you know what im glad the way Iam though i haven't find a proper job but yh im still lookin in all over the town lol
I think you and me and all ARABS should express themselves to the outerworld or in a better meaning enhance the west by our lovely culture and most ofall this legendary religion we should correct their look on our peacefulreligion and tryin to put things on its right place you should get evolve with all diferent kinds of ppl christain,athesit ,Jewish and tryin to convince them of the conceptof ISLAM even if they dont have the feeling of listening you should drop at least a super hot bullet in one of thier ears lol like after you finish from pr***n your view about wateva you have to end yoyr message like this way

" afterall it is all your life not mine and i dont have the right to order you to do this and do that it is all about wat you feel inside down thier it is a faith which will guide you to the right path ALLAH says ' you dont guide whom you love,butAllah guides whom he wills :
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