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قديم 21-05-2012, 08:17 PM
ميس ميما ميس ميما غير متصل
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 43
معدل تقييم المستوى: 27
ميس ميما يستحق التميز
[اللغة الانجليزية ] تجمع المتعينات في المجمعه

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تجمع لكل الي تخصصها انقلش ومقابلتها بتكون في المجمعه نبي موضوع متكامل عن كل معلومات الي تفيدنا للمقابله + اي وحده تسوي مقابله تجي وتقول وش كانت الاسئله
ان شاء الله نتعاون ونفيد بعض

أهداف اللغة الانجليزية
Objectives of Teaching English in The kingdom

• Develop their intellectual, personal and professional abilities.

• Acquire basic language skills ( listening, speaking, reading and writing )in order to communicate with speakers of English language.

• Acquire the linguistic competence necessarily required in various life situations.

• Acquire the linguistic competence required in different professions.

• Develop their awareness of the importance of English as a means of international communication.

• Develop positive attitudes towards learning English.

• Develop the linguistic competence that enables them to be aware of the cultural, economical and social issues of their society in order to contribute in giving solutions.

• Develop the linguistic competence that enables them, in the future, to present and explain the Islamic concepts and issues and participate in spreading Islam.

• Develop the linguistic competence that enables them, in the future, to present the culture and civilization of their nation.

• Benefit from English-speaking nations, in order to enhance the concepts of international cooperation that develop understanding and respect of cutural differences among nations.

• Acquire the linguistic bases that enables them to participate in transferring the scientific and technological advances of other nations to their nation.

• Acquire the linguistic bases that enables them to present and explain Islamic concepts and issues, and participate in the dissemination of Islam.


Aims of Teaching English in the Elementary Stage in KSA

1. Learn the basics of the English language that would form the foundation for its mastery in the future.
2. Use the basic structures of English sentences.
3. Learn the core vocabulary assigned for this stage.
4. Listen and understand simple English language.
5. Express themselves orally using simple English language.
6. Read and understand simple written English language materials.
7. Write simple guided sentences in English language.
8. Appreciate the importance of English language as an international language of communication, for introducing Islam, the Islamic nation's culture and the cultural achievements of Muslims to others.
9. Appreciate the importance of English language as an international language of communication to benefit from the achievements of other cultures in accordance with Islam.

Aims of Teaching English in the Intermediate Stage in KSA

According to the overall syllabus for the three years of the intermediate stage the general aims are:

1. To produce an individual who is able to speak, read, and listen with understanding to simple current English and to write a connected passage of up to half a page about a simple subject or incident.
2. To give pupils who finish three formal education enough knowledge of the language to help them in their vacation.
3. To give pupils who precede to the secondary stage a sound foundation on which to build their future studies.
4. To lay the foundation of knowledge of English so that they acquire sufficient grasp of the language to enable them p***** their religion to English speakers and to refute the errors of the enemies of Islam.

Aims of Teaching English in the Secondary Stage in KSA

According to the overall syllabus for the three years of the secondary stage the general aims are:

1. To afford the secondary school pupil a ****** on the world.
2. To give the secondary school pupil an experience of delight through reading samples of English that have a universal appeal both in arts and sciences.
3. To cultivate the pupil’s critical thinking as a useful adjunct to intelligent reading of English texts.
4. To give play to the pupil’s imagination by means of imagery in poetry and visualization of character.
5. To pr***de the pupil who intends to join the university or other higher institutes with an adequate knowledge of English to help him in his future studies.
6. To give the pupil who finishes his formal education in the third year of secondary education sufficient knowledge of the language to help him in his vocation.

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خطوات تحضير الدروس :


At the beginning , the teacher writes the title at the middle of the page and the title should contain the unit the lesson and the page .

Learning Objectives

This step should involve the objectives - the aims - that should be achieved by the end of the period . Objectives should be written in a behavioral items .


This step contains a question or an exercise to get the students out of the previous period and make them think in English so it would be easy for them to perceive the following materials .
The question may be of two kinds :
* A question about the surroundings .
* Or : a question about previous learned material to be as a kind of revision .


And it contains :

New Vocabulary :

the new words in the lesson and their meaning in English

New Structure

The new grammar items of the lesson .

New Idioms

The new phrasal verbs , the expressions and proverbs in a lesson.


this step is intended to reinforce the items that the teacher has explained and both of drill and practice are exercises but there is a kind of difference between them :

Drill :

is intended to reinforce the students' motor skills or the material they have preserved .
As for Practice

is the intelligent application of what the students have learned

For example : the students may drill the text of a theory but they apply it to the exercises in Maths

هى تمرينات على ما حفظه المرء و على الحركات الآدائية Drill
Practice هى التدريب و التطبيق العملى للمهارات و النظريات


some exercise items intended for the students in the class , it is important for the teacher so as to be easy to know how far the teacher has achieved his objectives.


Exercises for the students to apply what they have learned at school

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هذي اهم الافعال للاهداف

Count, Define, Describe, Draw, Find, Identify, Label, List, Match, Name, Quote, Recall, Recite, Sequence, Tell, Write, outline, produce, select, state, numerate, point to, recognize, recall

Comprehension الاستيعاب

Conclude, Demonstrate, Discuss, Explain, Generalize, Identify, Illustrate, Interpret, Paraphrase, Predict, Report, Restate, Review, Summarize, Tell generalize, give examples, infer, select, defend ,distinguish, extend ,estimate convert, locate

التطبيق Application
Apply, use, Change, Choose, Compute, Dramatize, Interview, Prepare, Produce, Role-play, Select, Show, Transfer, demonstrate, employ ,operate, solve, write an example, modify, relate, classify

Analysis التحليل

Analyze, Characterize, Classify, Compare, Contrast, Debate, Deduce, Diagram, Differentiate, Discriminate, Distinguish, Examine, Outline, Relate, Research, Separate, support ,draw conclusions, illustrate ,infer, point out, select

Synthesis التركيب
Compose, write, Construct, reconstruct, Create, Design, Develop, Integrate, Invent, Make, Organize, Perform, Plan, Produce, Propose, Rewrite ,rearrange, predict categorize, combine, devise ,explain, generate, formulate ,design, compile

Evaluation التقويم
Appraise, Argue, Assess, Choose, decide C , Critic, Decide, Evaluate, Judge, interpret, Justify, Predict, Prioritize, Prove, Rank, Rate, Select , compare ,conclude, describe, contrast ,support, criticize , discriminate , explain, write , score, rate

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*lesson plan:
you have prepare your lesson-
things that you will use -

prepare the lesson :
1 it is important to divide the lesson to
body of lesson

* what are the contents of lesson plan
1 the objectives
2 the procedures
3 the evaluation

f you want to be a good English teacher , you should think of three stages :
*1-Pre-teaching ( your preparation to the lesson and students’ interaction and reaction )
Most of our ******** neglect the first stage (pre-teaching) which I consider the most important stage because it helps you to be a self-confident teacher.
You shouldn’t only prepare your lessons but also prepare yourself well to students’ expected and unexpected reactions and interaction . This makes students trust you and creates motivation from students for learning and prevents some problems dealing with discipline inside the classroom.
*2-While-teaching (everything will happen inside the classroom )
*****We will deal with all these stages in detail later.
Actions that ******** take in first lessons:
1-Introduce yourself.

2-Students introduce themselves or each other
or learn something about each other.

3-Establish a particular classroom atmosphere ooperative and respectful.

4-Learn about learners’ expectations.
5-Establish a code of classroom conduct( acceptable behaviours , etc ).You and your students can set classroom rules because if the rules come from the students , they will be more willing to follow them then write the rules on a large sheet of paper and hung it in the classroom. This point is very important because it deals with classroom management which I will put it forward later .
Note: What are your suggestions to maintain discipline inside classroom and what will you do if a student breaks the rules?
6-Present the course oint out important information about course content ,ways of working , assessment.
7-Pre-test students to assess their proficiency level.

How to be a good teacher (Part 2)

If you want to be a good teacher , you should know how to manage your classroom first and this will help you much in your performance inside classroom and I hope this topic benefit you because you will find many things in it easy for apply :Classroom Management and Organization:

The following topic aims at helping ******** to become proficient in classroom management
and organization.
1. Establishing a Positive Climate
2. Organizing Your Classroom
3. Developing Rules, Routines, and Procedures
4. Assigning and Managing Work
5. Preparing for Instruction
6. Managing Behavior
7. Maintaining MomentumالعزيمةWhy Have a Plan?Teacher success inside classroom depends on the ability of the teacher to manage the cl classroom . Effective classroom organization and management during the first few weeks

of school are important in determining expectations, behavior patterns, and procedures
that will continue during the school year.
Classroom management, student discipline, and issues related to organization are among
the most common problems which ******** face in their first years .
classroom organization and management must lead to two ends:
1. To encourage student involvement and cooperation in all classroom activities
2. To establish a productive working environment.
Successful ******** know how to make the environment inside classroom effective and attractive.
Room arrangements and displays must be attractive, but also functional. ******** should use materials other thanخلافtextbooks and workbooks. If ******** begin collecting andorganizing these items before school begins, planning will be better and richer .What is Effective Classroom Management?effective classroom management consists of teacher behaviors that produce high levels of student involvement in classroom activities, less amounts of student behavior that interfere with the teacher’s or other students’ work, and efficient use of time .
******** who are effective classroom managers have:
· Planned rules and procedures carefully
· Systematically taught these to students
· Organized instruction to maximize student task engagement and success
· Communicated directions and expectations to students.A well-managed classroom is a task-oriented and predictable environment. Harry Wong, 1998.
In this environment, students understand what is expected and how to succeed. Work is focused on learning and students are able to achieve the objectives.
When students understand the rules and procedures, they can follow with the expectations and know what is supposed to happen in the classroom. They also know what consequences will occur when the expectations are not met.What Do We Need to Know About Students?To manage a classroom effectively, it is important for ******** to understand the child and adolescence فترة المراهقة growth and developments and also students’ cultural difference is essentialfor establishing an effective and positive learning environment.An effective teacher understands child growth and development.
· Children develop through predictable stages.
· Growth is deeply influenced by culture, personality, and environment.
· Social and physical development and intelligence do not proceed for all children at the same rate.
An effective teacher understands issues that affect adolescent growth and behavior.
· Children need to feel valued.
· Learners need to have fun and freedom.
· Learning needs to be practical and applicable.
· Mistakes arise from inexperience.
· Peer pressure is intense for teens.
· Emotional energy in teens runs high.
An effective teacher recognizes cognitiveمعرفي and cultural diversityاختلاف.
· Students learn through different modalities, styles, and a variety of multiple intelligences.
· Learning is affected by students’ cultural perceptions إدراكand background experiences.

1- Creating a Positive ClimateWhen students feel safe, secure, and are engaged, learning increases. Learning decreases when students feel threatened or unchallenged
Promote and Maintain High Expectations
· Announce and post statements that communicate high expectations.
· Reinforce high expectations through consistency.
· Celebrate success.
· Establish respect.
Know Your Students
· Activate prior knowledge in activities,
· Ensure learning opportunities promote diversity and offer multicultural perspectives on issues and experiences.
Engage All Students in the Learning Process
· Develop a system to ensure all students are called on and have an opportunity to participate.
My special comment on creating a positive climate

Certainly positive and friendly climate inside classroom increases learning .As you know when students are afraid of their teacher , they hate his period and participation and what they do only , is that they wait the moment when the period comes to an end .Also when you treat your students in a kind and friendly way and you encourage them all the time, you motivate them and you notice great progress in their level . We should involve all our students in our activity in a way that all students pay attention. When students expect certain students to participate in activities , they become lazy and make noise .also your reaction towards students positive or negative behaviour should be the same . Establishing an atmosphere of love, kindness ,and respect between ******** and students is the essence of classroom management

How to be a good English teacher Classroom Management ( continuous)

3-Developing Rules, Routines, and Procedures

It is important for an effective teacher to have rules and procedures in class for students and that students fully understand the working expectations. Class rules should be alignedتتوافق مع with both the school’s plan and the school system’s code of student behaviours.
Create and Communicate (Verbally and in Writing) Fair Expectations
· Create a number of rules (three to five) that are clear, specific, and stated positively.
· Involve students in the process of understanding, developing, and establishing rules and procedures.
· Reinforce rules by practising them with students.
Develop Routines and Procedures for Tasks that Occur Regularly
· Identify specific activities and develop a step-by-step procedure for completing the activity .
· Practise these procedures with students.
Set Up a System of Specific Consequences and Rewards
· Be sure consequences are reasonable and logical to the situation.
· Be consistent and fair in applying consequences

My own commentAs we know there is a confusion among some words in methodology but a way from methodology , I want to tell you simply from my point of view that :Procedures are the series of steps you follow in a regular , organized way to do something .for example when you teach a listening text , you should follow the same steps in teaching it in every unit . this will help weak students to know what they will do in this task because this will lead to a routine or the exercise becomes usual for them.A technique is a special way of doing something or completing a specific task. for example when you teach students a certain word you can use drawing ( drawing here is a technique of explaining the word)Routine means that when you do something every day ,it will become a habit and a usual thing . So when you set up a routine of organizing your period and activities (the same things you do as usual )this will make your students understand and expect what they will do.An approachisdealing with something in a certain way to achieve a certain goal or result . For example we use communicative approach in teaching English. I can say that an approach is the umbrella which covers techniques , procedures , ..etc and this is to achieve an ultimate goal .

Setting classroom rules. At the beginning of the year , ask students to work in s**** groups to write down rules they think are reasonable regarding the classroom behaviours and the consequences for breaking the rules. Collect and write up a summary of the ideas on a large sheet of paper . Ask students to vote to accept the rules and make a final copy to be hung in the classroom . If the rules come from students , they will be willing to follow them .

· point of view about this point
FirstAs long as students select these rules,they will follow themSecondIf they break rules,ask them to tell you ways of punishmentThirdIf they break these rulesdeprive them from some activities they likeor a role they likee.g., the leader, spokespersonEstablish routines . Starting the class with the class agenda on the board can help students prepare for the day’s class . Set up signals that the students understand – for quiet , for silence and so on .

· Teach students to show their respect for others by listening to what they have to say in group work or when they are reporting to the whole class.
As we know ,if we use these ways of punishment with secondary school students , we reward them by this and they will insist on breaking the rules in this way .
Why do they break rules or class discipline ? For many reasons all ******** know these reasons.
So how can we punish secondary school students who break the rules inside classroom

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