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  #9 (permalink)  
قديم 22-05-2012, 11:59 AM
ميس ميما ميس ميما غير متصل
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 43
معدل تقييم المستوى: 27
ميس ميما يستحق التميز

Class Managementادارة الصف

Class management refers to the organization of the classroom inorder to create the most effective learning environment class control.

Two factors determine class management .. teacher behavior andclassroom environment .

&&Teacher behavior ..the teacher hasmany roles inside and outside the classroom ..

1- Professionalism .. theteacher should look and behave as a professional , she should 1- wear asuitable attire , 2- have a suitable hair style and 3- use suitable make-up , muchjewelers is not advisable .

2- Eye contact ,,it means looking to a student while talking to her , it is a way of keepingstudents attentive and organizing class **** .

3- Gestures and facial expressions ,, a teacher uses both verbal and non-verbal communication forms , canbe used in the following purposes ; 1- to present the meaning of new words andstructure , 2- to manage drill

4- Position and movement ,, 1-the teacher stands in the front when presenting the new material , 2- sheshould be in the middle or the back during practice to supervise class**** ,3-she should avoid sitting on a student's desk

*Movements ; 1- move around the class to give help in pairand group **** , 2 avoid unnecessary movement and 3- avoid distract studentswhile listening to a tape .

5- Voicevolume ,, the teacher should change her voice volumeaccording to ; 1- the activity being performed , 2- the size of class , 3- thestage of lesson .

* A high volume : used whenthe teacher wants to quiet the class and when she moves from one stage toanother .

* A normal volume ; used when giving a language model duringpresentation and drill .

* a soft volume ; used when giving help during group **** .

&& Classroom Environment .. it refers to the physical , social and psychological conditions inwhich the teaching and learning processes take place .

· Rules whichhelp to create the most effective classroom environment ;

1-lite and airy rooms .

2- seating ,, theteacher should make sure that every students can see the blackboard

3- instruction giving ,,instructions are given for many reasons … 1- to keep discipline , 2- to arrangeclassroom , 3- and to carry out activities .

5- Checking attendance ,, isgood to recognize students's names , teacher should follow certain policy withthe late comers .

6- Monitoring ,, itrefers to the situation where the teacher observes and listens to what studentsdo .

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