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  #218 (permalink)  
قديم 27-05-2012, 10:09 PM
الصورة الرمزية لانا الحربي
لانا الحربي لانا الحربي غير متصل
عضو مهم
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 201
معدل تقييم المستوى: 130
لانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداع

المستقبل الجميل هذه اجابه احلى


How to deal with weak students.

•Weak students are those who are very poor in studies, reason can be any. But these students really need motivation. Moreover, these students have.. Inferiority complex among themselves because they can’t cope with Intelligent one. So it is the responsibility of the teacher to motivate them, to make them understand what is being taught in the class with extra attention and most importantly to make them comfortable with extra care.

Dear ********

All of us are dealing with different levels in each class

Some are excellent. Some are average and a number of them need help and support

We can't say they are weak because they can understand but they can't cope with the curriculum level and mostly because their foundation in English wasn't that much solid and helpful

So, How about sharing with each other

any action plan you have done to improve their level

any extra task you have been pr***ding them

any strategies you have been using and worked very well

Lets Cooperate together to make them Better

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