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  #219 (permalink)  
قديم 27-05-2012, 10:12 PM
الصورة الرمزية لانا الحربي
لانا الحربي لانا الحربي غير متصل
عضو مهم
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2012
المشاركات: 201
معدل تقييم المستوى: 130
لانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداعلانا الحربي محترف الإبداع

اجابة اخرى

I believe a teacher can a handle a weak student by encouraging them to be a strong student. The teacher shouldn't focus so much on the child's weakness, but focus on the child's strengths. Give that child positive reinforcement. The child probably believes he or she is a weak student and therefore, may be behaving under what he or she thinks a weak student should do. The child just needs to believe that he or she is in many ways, a strong student; not just a strong student, but a strong person. The teacher should be patient with that student. The teacher should also not forget about the child's weaknesses. The teacher should uncover that child's weaknesses and help those weaknesses by utilizing the child's strengths to deal with those weaknesses. Even if it takes one-on-one time, the teacher should do whatever he or she can do to let that child know that he or she is in a least restrictive environment. The child should not feel as though he or she is totally different from the rest of the students in a bad way. The should know that everyone is different and that those differences make us who we are.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_can_a_...#ixzz1w5xC8ZGb

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