عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 02-06-2012, 04:49 PM
ش الحوطي ش الحوطي غير متصل
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2012
المشاركات: 62
معدل تقييم المستوى: 27
ش الحوطي يستحق التميز
Red face وظيفة في ارامكو عن طريق شركة الحوطي



1- A/B. B.S. /B.A. degree in Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Business Management, or closely related field.
a. Three (3) years of experience in business administration or related field.

2- Two (2) Years college degree in one of above field.
a. Six (6) years of experience in business administration or related field.

3- Completion of ITC: English, ERW, Math, MB.
a. Ten (10) years of experience in business administration or related field.

Main Requirements:
1- Fluency in English (Arabic is necessary).
2- Knowledge of SAO planning policy & procedures related to manpower.
3- EDP system & ability to use basic programming language for reports.
4- Has a wide range of personalities.
5- Knowledge of typing 35 WPM in English.

ü CV should be in WORD FORMAT in ENGLISH only.

ü Type the job title at the subject of the e-mail.

* Send your application if you meet the minimum requirements of the vacancy.
