المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة انشراح الفجر
true but can you give us ?an example i couldn't we want to make it more useful................
these are called homonyms:
There is a strange puzzle in the English ******** — we have many words which have more than one meaning. The meanings are sometimes totally unrelated — how on earth can one word mean two different things? For instance, how can lead be a verb meaning to go first and also the **** of a heavy ****l? How can pound have four meanings?
The answer lies in the fact that English is an invaded ******** — it has been influenced by many other languages over its long history. Words which now look the same might have come from entirely different sources.
Here are some examples
ball A round object or a dance?
bank The side of a river or a place for money?
bat A flying mammal or a wooden rod?
bear A furry animal or to carry?
box A container or to have a fist fight?
to answer these questions go to this site