المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة TRANSLATOR
؟Can you accept my very specific questions
such as
what do you know about stylistics
what is the distinction between(weightlessness and abarognosis)
Hi translator , it's nice to have you here
I don't know where you're getting at with this question but here's my answer..
Stylistics is the study of varieties of lan guage whose properties position that lan guage in context. For example, the lan guage of advertising, politics , religion, individual authors , etc., or the lan guage of a period in time, all are used distinctively and belong in a particular situation. In other words, they all have ‘place’ or are said to use a particular 'style'.
Weightlessness is a phenomenon experienced by people during free-fall.
it typically occurs when an object or person is falling freely, in orbit, in deep space (far from a planet, star, or other massive body), in an airplane following a particular parabolic flight path .
Abarognosis is a medical term which means the loss of the ability to detect the weight of an object held in the hand or to tell the difference in weight between two objects. This deficit may be caused by damage to the brain . "