الله يجزاك خير ويستر عليك موضوع رائع ..
حصلت على شهادة سيسكو وابي اعرف تفاصيلها !!
عشان اذا قدمة على وظيفة و اسئلوني ربعنا ((مسؤولين التوظيف)) وش هالشهادة
اقولهم وافهم . عندي احساس انهم مايدرون وش سيسكو او شهادتها ولا يثقون بها !!!!!!
هذه الشهادة وابي ترجمتها عسى مثواك الجنة .........
Certificate of Course Completion
CCNA 1 Networking Basics
During the Cisco
Networking Academy course, administered by the undersigned instructor, the student was able
to proficiently:
Identify and describe IP Address Classes
Proficient in planning, designing, and installing work group and
Proficient in IP address subnetting techniques
peer-to-peer LAN’s
Describe the purpose of the OSI Model and the functions of each layer
Describe the purpose of the TCP/IP Protocol Stack (DoD Model)
Describe the process of data encapsulation
and the functions of each layer
Describe and apply CAT 5 cabling standards
Proficient in detailing the specifications of Ethernet
Identify and describe Ethernet families (10****T, Fast Ethernet)
Describe the function of *** addresses
mshal al-enzi
Academy ****
June 26, 2008
Instructor Signature
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-1706
Direct: 408 526 4000
FAX: 408 526 4100
June 26, 2008
mshal al-enzi
Congratulations on completing the
CCNA 1 Networking Basics
course as part of the Cisco
Networking Academy. This hands-on, lab-oriented course has prepared you for exciting career
opportunities in the technology industry.
By completing this course you have earned a Certificate of Completion for CCNA 1 Networking
Basics and acquired competencies that ******* the following:
• Identify and describe IP Address Classes
• Describe the purpose of the OSI Model and the functions of each layer
• Describe and apply CAT 5 cabling standards
• Proficient in planning, designing, and installing work group and peer-to-peer LAN’s
• Describe the purpose of the TCP/IP Protocol Stack (DoD Model) and the functions
of each layer
• Identify and describe Ethernet families (10****T, Fast Ethernet)
Technological literacy is more important today than ever before, and Cisco is proud to provide
you with the knowledge and skills necessary to build and maintain computers.
Please accept my best wishes for your continued success.
John T. Chambers
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer