اقتباس: المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاطل منذ 1970 Good offer heavenmoon , can I work with you m y job swashbuckler قاتل مستأجر [GRADE="FF1493 FFA500 32CD32 00BFFF FF1493"] run run full moon i will catch you later and keep in your mind i will not give you any drop from the soup [/GRADE] [GRADE="FF1493 FF6347 32CD32 00BFFF FF1493"] عاطل 1970 bring her to me dead or live and do not give her any chance to talk not even to breth use all your tools to show me her head or hands i 'm looking forward to make from her hand a curio [/GRADE]