عرض مشاركة واحدة
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قديم 07-07-2008, 04:32 AM
مروان بارقعان مروان بارقعان غير متصل
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 6
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
مروان بارقعان يستحق التميز
Angry مهندس كهربائي عاطل عن العمل

يا أخوان اللي يقدر يساعدني اكون شاكر ومقدر له
وهذي السيرة الذاتية الخاصة بي

Curriculum Vitae


Marwan Ahmed Mohammed Baraqa'an
Date of birth : 19/6/1983G
Nationality : Saudi
Marital Status : Single
Address : Makkah - Al_RosaifAh District
Past Address : P.O.Box293 MAKKAH-SAUDI ARABIA
E_mail :يمنع وضع الاميل الإدارة
Contact: يمنع وضع رقم الجوال

Academic Degree : Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering with GPA 1.90 from 4.00grade GOOD -Umm Al_Qura university-Makkah 1427H 2007G.

Work Skill
v Posses general knowledge and capabilities in ELECTRICAL Components
[Power system , communication system , electronics & controlling ]
v General knowledge in computer system [hard ware & soft ware ].
v Flexible and adaptable to surround environment.

v Training in PINEHILL ARABIA FOOD LTD Company .The duration throw tow months in Jeddah .I learned about management, electrical power system and control.
v Training in GENERAL ESTABLISHMENT WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE .The duration throw tow months in Makkah. I learned about management and control.
Work experience
v General manager of Qaser Almsfalah hotel ,in holy Makkah for the years 1419,1420,1424,1425 H.

Achievements and tasks:

Operational management of the hotel.

Data Entry inmates and conditions of rooms
Follow-up to the functioning of staff.

Increase the proportion of profits for the hotel to 45%.

Staff working with the same team spirit.

v A reception and trip coordinator in Alrayedah International company for Omra in 1421 H.

Achievements and tasks:

Coordination with tourism companies to bring in HAJJIS.

Reception to welcome delegates and their.

Signed contracts on behalf of the company with tourism companies.

v I worked 6 months manager of project in SAMA PROJECT_MAKKAH for maintenance.

Achievements and tasks:

The ability to work under pressure.

The ability to accomplish more than one task at a time.

Good management of the Action Team managers testified in the institution.

The ability to communicate with various segments of people.

Eng. Marwan baraqaan.

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة قلب المملكة ; 07-07-2008 الساعة 09:45 AM
رد مع اقتباس