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  #327 (permalink)  
قديم 08-12-2012, 12:57 PM
الصورة الرمزية عاطله سعوديه
عاطله سعوديه عاطله سعوديه غير متصل
عضو مهم جداً
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2011
الدولة: القصيم
المشاركات: 552
معدل تقييم المستوى: 1705
عاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداع

How to teach different kinds of lesson: Discussion, Reading ,Writing , Grammar & Word Study

Before the lesson :*
you have to prepare yourself very well. ( How )
. You have to ask yourself the most important question before preparing the lesson : What do I want students to learn ? ; What should they learn from this lesson ?
If you know the answer , everything will be easy and clear.*
Preparation is the first step before entering the classroom. Preparation is the most important step in your plan.
Start to prepare for the lesson after answering the previous question . . : " What do I want students to learn ?"
You have to prepare your lesson , ideas and things that you will use very well.*
How to prepare the lesson:
As you know , it is important to divide the lesson into an introduction , body of the lesson and the conclusion .
The introduction is very important part in the lesson . Try to make it successful . ( How? )
At the beginning , you have to attract the students' attention to the lesson . You have to make them like the lesson and wait the rest of it. Try to connect the lesson with anything they like e.g. hobbies , books , novels , food , ****s , family , friends ,schools, habits, customs …etc. In this step , you can make them speak about things they like or they don’t.
The body of the lesson :
Here , you present the lesson step by step after the introduction. There are different kinds to present the lesson according to its kind.
The conclusion :
It is the last step. It is time of evaluation . Also, you have to conclude the lesson and summarize it.*
Always try to connect the lesson with different things in their real life.*
Always ask students Why …? What doy you think of …… ? Do you like this or that ?