عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #328 (permalink)  
قديم 08-12-2012, 12:58 PM
الصورة الرمزية عاطله سعوديه
عاطله سعوديه عاطله سعوديه غير متصل
عضو مهم جداً
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2011
الدولة: القصيم
المشاركات: 552
معدل تقييم المستوى: 1705
عاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداع

Now let's start with different kinds of lesson:*
Word study

Discussion Lessons:
Usually, it is the first lesson in each new unit.
For me, it is the most interesting lesson because you have to help sts to speak and to express their feelings and ideas.*
In this lesson, it is nice to use pictures, short stories , proverbs or any real things as possiple as you can.You can start the lesson by showing them for example pictures belonging to the lesson the start discussion .
What do you see ?*
What do you think of ……………..?
Do you like it ? Why ?
IS it …..?
Are they ……………?

You can ask many different questions . You can ask weak sts very very simple questions you know that they know the answers . In this way , you encourage and help them to be more confident . Then you can verify the kinds of questions to them next days.*
The body of the lesson
You have to use the book.*
Ask sts to read the title .*
Ask sts about the pictures if they are found.*
Discuss the ideas of the lesson by using different things like pictures .
Ask sts to read the mentioned questions and answer them.
The conclusion:
Summarize the lesson . You can ask them to summarize it. You can ask sts what do you learn today?
Evaluate the students by using ****sheet.*
In this lesson , it is nice to ask them to complete a dialogue.
Don't forget to give sts home****. It is important to make them revise the lesson at home.