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  #11 (permalink)  
قديم 08-12-2012, 01:03 PM
الصورة الرمزية عاطله سعوديه
عاطله سعوديه عاطله سعوديه غير متصل
عضو مهم جداً
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2011
الدولة: القصيم
المشاركات: 552
معدل تقييم المستوى: 1705
عاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداع

Grammar نفس الاجابه الاولى بس هناا عجبني الاسلوب اكثر:
There many ways to teach grammar like deductive and inductivemethod. But I like the inductive one:
So, Write different sentences including the new structure the have to learn.*
Discuss the structure with different examples.
Ask students to summarize the structre.
Use ****sheet.
Ask them to summarize the lesson.

Word Study
I usually ask sts to open their book and ask them " What kind of lesson is it ?"
How many words are there on the page ?
Then I ask them to underline the meanings of the words.
The body of the lesson:
You may present the words by using many ways and aids like pictures , short stories , simple examples , act-out the word ...etc.
you can end the lesson by using a ****sheet , or playing different games belonging to word study.
Finally, this is my simple way to teach different kind of lesson.
I hope you find it useful.
Don't forget to give sts home****. It is important to make them revise the lesson at home.