عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #83 (permalink)  
قديم 10-09-2008, 10:29 AM
انشراح الفجر انشراح الفجر غير متصل
نجم المنتدى
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
الدولة: طاعة ربي ..ورضآهـ
المشاركات: 8,078
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21474886
انشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداعانشراح الفجر محترف الإبداع

الاخ الكريم فراس هذا مجهودي في سيرتكم ان صوابا فمن الله وان خطا فمن نفسي والشيطان
ثم اني لاحظت المستوى الجيد للمفرداتكم اللغوية ايضا وجدت ان هناك بعض الاعتماد على احدبرامج الترجمة ولا امانع من ذلك في حال معرفتكم الجيدة بقواعد اللغة الانجليزية واعادة صياغة الجملة بطريقة صحيحة
رايت انه من الافضل حذف الجمل المتكوبة باللون الاخضر
رزقكم الله من حيث لا تحتسبون
Nationality : Saudi

Date of birth : 1982
Marital status : single
Languages: Arabic & English.


• Student at the College of Administration and Economics at King Abdulaziz affiliation system.

• Graduated from High School.
الاخ الكريم الجملة الانجليزية لا تبدا بفعل وانما بالفاعل والافضل كتابتها بهذة الطريقة
High secondary school certificate .

Grade: Very Good.

Training courses:

Approval of the International Computer ICDL leadership.
A course in international computer driving license

A certificate in data entry and texts processing for six months from the Al-Kafi Institution.

• A Course in universal documents management system UDMS

01 \ 09 \ 2007 to 15 \ 10 \ 2007

Grade: Very good

UDMS gate and workflow management

a course in workflow management
20 \ 10 \ 2007 to 31 \ 12 \ 2007

Grade: Very good

The archiving of documents and electronic workflow system provided by the International Compulink company.

• English ******** course 1A from the English ******** diploma program in the Saudi Academy for languages at December 2007.
• A Course of self-development from training and hobbies center at King Saud University.

• A Course in assembling and maintenance of computers.

Practical experiences:

• Specialist in documents project and electronic archiving system and workflow system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

in the period: September 2007 - September 2008

Delegate Business Software Alliance trade
Delegate for the commercial software designers alliance

(Office of Lawyer Mohammed Al-Dabaan).
during the period: July 2005 - December 2006

I worked as a project assistance at bin Aayd establishment for trade and contracting.

during the period: February 2003 - May 2005

Skills :

Proficiency in computer and its applications.

• Harmony in working with different groups and proficiency in work in a spirit of the team.
• delivery capacity in exceptional circumstances while maintaining the quality and commitment of time.
Ability in working during exceptional circumstances in high qualities and during time

• fully prepared and a genuine desire for learning and developing in the area of work.

• proficiency in negotiation with customers and the ability to develop self-reliance


To be a part of a highly professional team, to seek greater challenges and more responsibilities in an Administrative oriented company, to apply the knowledge attained from my previous work experience and widen it.

Contact In****ation :


City : Riyadh