عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #322 (permalink)  
قديم 27-07-2013, 07:18 AM
الصورة الرمزية يالله انك توظفني
يالله انك توظفني يالله انك توظفني غير متصل
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2010
المشاركات: 128
معدل تقييم المستوى: 31
يالله انك توظفني يستحق التميز

هذي بعض اسئلة الصيدلة الي جت

18- All of these can be used for treatment of leprosy except

a- Dapson

b- Rifampin

c- Clofazinine

d- INH *

25- Which of the following symptoms does not occur with morphine

a- Diarrhea*

b- Vomiting

c- Constipation

d- Respiratory depression

e- Addiction

27- Which of these ***** is not used for acute pain

a- Naproxine

b- Colichicine

c- Codeine

d- Prednisolone *

e- Keorelac

31- The drug of choice of treatment of amoeba

a- Chloramphinicol

b- Genta***in

c- Tetracycline

d- Metronidazole*

e- Mebendazole

32- To prevent more absorption of the toxic drug we use

a- Water
b- Saline

c- Sodium salt

d- Potassium salt

e- Activated charcoal *

34- Which one is OTC drug

a- Analgesics *

b- Warfarin

c- Ciprofloxacin

d- Insulin

37- The steady state concentration of the drug in the plasma is

a- Directly proportional to the rate of absorption
b- Indirectly proportional to the rate of absorption

c- Directly proportional to the rate of elimination *

d- Indirectly proportional to the rate of elimination

e- Directly proportional to the rate of distribution

45- Elimination of digoxine is mainly by

a- ****** *

b- Liver

c- Skin

d- Both a & b

57- Cefaclor

a- 1st generation cephalosporin

b- 2nd generation cephalosporin *

c- 3rd generation cephalosporin

65- All these medication used in T.B. except

a- I.N.H

b- Rifampin

c- Cycloserine

d- Cyclosporine *

e- None of the above

71- All these can be used in leprosy except

a- Dapson

b- Rifampicin

c- Clofazimine

d- I.N.H *

e- None of the above

81- Maximum dose of paracetamol is

a- 7.5 mg in 4 hour

b- 7.5 mg in 8 hour

c- 7.5 mg in 24 hour

d- 4 mg in 24 hour *

e- 4 mg in 12 hour

88- Which of the following is not contraindicated in pregnancy

a- Enalapril

b- Captopril

c- Propranolol

d- Nitroprusside

e- Methyl dopa *

93- Which one of these is not mucolytic

a- Bromhexine

b- Carbocycistiene

c- Ambroxol

d- Guiaphensin

e- Dextromethorphan *

94- Which one is antiplatelet

a- Ticlopidine *

b- Desfluran

c- Warfarin

d- Heparin

e- Urokinase


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