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  #39 (permalink)  
قديم 22-08-2013, 06:05 PM
الصورة الرمزية عاطله سعوديه
عاطله سعوديه عاطله سعوديه غير متصل
عضو مهم جداً
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2011
الدولة: القصيم
المشاركات: 552
معدل تقييم المستوى: 1706
عاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداععاطله سعوديه محترف الإبداع

الـ behavioral objective
تنقسم الى ثلاث اقسام
cognitive والمقصود فيها الاهداف المعرفيه
affective الاهداف الوجدانيه
psychomotor الاهداف النفس حركيه

a lesson plan is consist of :
1- behavioral objectives
2- aids
3- procedures
4- evaluation

هي :

- الحوار والمناقشة .

- التعلم التعاوني .

- لعب الادوار .

- العصف الذهني .

- حل المشكلات .

- الخرائط المعرفية .

- الاسئلة .

- التعلم الذاتي .

- تعلم الاقران .

الفرق بين الاستراتيجيه وطريقة التدريس؟

Method of teaching is directly related to the presentation of the lesson. Which a teacher should use, depends on the nature of the subject, and the tact of the teacher .

this term is meant those procedures and methods by which objectives of teaching are realized in the class.

What are the strategies of teaching?
1-Cooperative learning
2-Creative thinking
4-Active learning
6-Six hats
7-Concept maps
8-Problems Solving
9-Multiple intelligence

استراتيجيه اخرى من استراتيجيات التدريس ..
لعب الادوار

Role-playing is a teaching strategy that fits within the social family of models and offers several advantages for both teacher and

من طرق التدريس الحديثه ..

Active Learning
Active Learning refers to a method of learning where active student participation is encouraged through project-based exercises. One unique characteristic of active learning is that the teacher acts as a facilitator of the education process rather than as a unilateral source of information. Examples of active learning ******* in-class debates and discussion circles on reading assignments.*

Cooperative Learning
involves structuring classes around s**** groups that work together in such a way that each group member's success is dependent on the group's success.

استراتيجية الخرائط الذهنيه ..

A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas.

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1/ Introduce yourself??

2/ Why did you choose English section??

3/ Why English is important??

4/ How can use English in your life??

5/ How can you deal with weak student??

6/ How can you deal with naughty student??

7/ How can explain grammer lesson??

8/ How can explain writing lesson??

9/ How can explain word study lesson??

10/How can explain reading lesson??

طرق تدريس القرامر
a deductive approach: starts with the presentation of a rule and is followed by examples in which the rule is applid
an inductive approach: starts with some examples from which a rule is inferred

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