عرض مشاركة واحدة
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قديم 01-10-2013, 11:55 PM
منسق مشاريع منسق مشاريع غير متصل
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2011
المشاركات: 153
معدل تقييم المستوى: 29
منسق مشاريع يستحق التميز
Red face السعي نحو الافضل

السلام عليكم

حالياً أعمل في شركه كوريه متعاقده مع ارامكو ( مدير موقع )

وراتبي كامل ( 8700 ) مع الاوفر تايم ( 13000 ) الف ريال أسعى نحو الافضل والرقي في في تطوير الذاتب

هذه سيرتي الذاتيه

Permanent Address

Al-Ahsa City – 31982
Saudi Arabia

Mobile No.: 0506740407

 An Enthusiastic, innovative and self-disciplined individual seeking an opportunity to play a creative and challenging role in Oil and Gas industry for the company excellence as Hyundai Arabia Co. Ltd AS sait manager

Educational Qualification
High School
Grade: Good

Work Experience

Responsibilities:  Hyundai Arabia Co. Ltd AS sait manager

 RAJEH H. AL-MARRI & SONS COMPANY as Project coordinator then promote to Logistic manager

 Worked as Projects Coordinator in RAJEH H. AL-MARRI & SONS COMPANY For Trading and General Contracting and as a Coordinator of Employees Affaires from 10/02/2010 to 02/10/2010.

• Managing the position of employees' supervision
• Managing the position of the administrative affaires.

 Worked as Responsible of Administrative Affaires in EXCEL SAUDI ARABIA from 18/12/2007 to 22/01/2009.
 Worked as a worker in Saudi Arabian Saipem Ltd. From 27/12/2006 to 02/05/2007.
 Worked as Supervisor of Employees in Nesma Trading Co. Ltd. During the period from 25/12/2003 to 11/09/2006.
 Worked as Data Enterer and Responsible of Customers Service in Advanced Telecom Co. from 12/02/2000 to 22/10/2003.

Training Courses
 Basic Life Support – ***** Saver CPR Course as a ***** Saver which is certified by Saudi ***** Association at the Medical Services Organization in Saudi Aramco on 27/12/2007.
 Certificate of Completion of Uthmaniy Gas Plant Gas Treat On Job Training Standard (Course Code # 305116) on 15/06/2002 at Human Resources Development Division in Saudi Aramco.
 Course in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation from the Preventive Medicine Services Division in Saudi Aramco Medical Services Organization on 30/12/1998.
 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (Adult CPR) in Saudi Aramco Medical Services Organization on 22/11/1998.
Course of the Orientation to Emergency at Human Resources Development Division in Saudi Aramco. &Coors Sifta Advisor

 Project management professional (pmp)

Skills & Interests

 Fluent in Arabic & English speaking and writing.
 Good Knowledge of computer applications.
 Performing under the pressures of work and good treatment with people.
 Interacting with my principals and gaining their trust.
 Making positive social relations.
 Self-developing.
 Participating in activities
 Love of learning.
 Reading and increasing my knowledge.
Project Detail

Responsibilities Project Description:
 Renewing and extending the oil pipes.
 Renewing and extending the water pipes.
 Fencing the oil wells.
 Settling and clearing the roads which are leading to the oil wells.

 Coordinate with Saudi Aramco Co. & Saudi Makamin Company Oil and Gas Services in bringing light and heavy tools and equipments.
 Responsible of Saudis Department.
 Responsible of employment and Personal interviews in the company.
 Attending meetings related to QUU Project related to Saudi Aramco.
Personal Profile

Personal Profile
Date of Birth
ID. No.
Date of Expiry
Marital Status
Mobile No.

: 07/02/1983

: 03/06/2020
: Married
: Saudi
: 0504509331====> واتسب فقط

Hobbies Reading Books
Playing Football

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