[align=center]السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
انا قدمت على البرنامج قبل شهر تقريبا وبعدها اتصلو علي وتكلم معي انقلش وقلي انشاء الله بنرسل لك اميل
والحمد لله اليوم وصلني اميل منهم بانه (( تم تقدم إلى المرحلة التالية من عملية الاختيار لدينا ونود أن أدعوكم للمشاركة في مقابلة.))
وهذا نص الرساله
Thank you for your application for employment with KAUST for the position of KAUST Security Apprentice Program.
I am pleased to confirm that your application has been progressed to the next stage of our selection process and we would like to invite you to participate in an interview.
The interview will take place at KAUST. There will be an English assessment test at 8:30- 10:00. Then the interview with the department will be from 10:00- 5:00. Where you will meet the directors and managers of the department.
In preparation for your interview, please see the KAUST Security website at http://facilities.kaust.edu.sa/Security/Pages/Home.aspx
Date: Tuesday October 8, 2013 , 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Venue: Please wait at the visitor gate where a bus will take all the security at 8:10 am from the visitor office to the interview building.
Please send me a confirmation and with it:
Your full name and National ID number
Things to bring for the interview:
· Headphones for the English Listening test
· S**** picture to add with your CV.
Please find attached KAUST direction.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
(((( اتمنى كل من يملك معلومه عن هالاختبار وطريقة المقابلة او طريقة النجاح فيه
واضن فيه اختبار لياقه الي يعرف عنه تكفون ابي جميع المعلوات بالتفصيل
او حتى لو عنده روابط لمواضيع تتكلم بهذا الشأن لا يبخل علينا , والله ييسر امرنا وامركم ))))