المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة طائفية الهوى
سالم الاختبار محددين له يومين فقط لازم تختبره خلالهم
والله يوفق الجميــع
صحيح كلامك اختي لكن انا جاني ايميل قبل يومين مو موظفة بالبنك كتالي
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in Gulf International Bank. It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been shortlisted to the next phase of the application process for the position of “Customer Service – Branches & Contact Centre”.
In order to proceed with your application to GIB you must undergo an online English test. You will receive the link shortly in an email from “Neovartis” with the subject “Saville Consulting Assessment/Workplace English”. Please check your inbox as well as your junk mail to ensure you have received the email. Once you receive this email you will have 48 hours to complete the test.
Good luck!
واستغرب الى الان لم يصلني اي ايميل من Neovartis !!!!