المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة حكاية قمر
السلام عليكم
مبروك احياء دقيقة على نجاحك بالاختبار الصراحة افرح كثير لما ااسمع اغلب الاعضاء عدو الاختبار وهذه بشارة خير لي ان شاء الله اعدي مثلكم وابشششركم
اختباري اسبوع الجاي وابغى لاهنتو رابط ملف سمارت قيرل والله يعطيكم العافية جميعا
هذا اجتهاد الاخ سمار قيرل منقول للامانه
1-Who said growing up was .........?
(a) fun*
(b) joke
(c) humour
(d) laughter
2-You need to improve the ......... of this letter because one or two things are in the wrong place.
(a) description
(b) indication
(c) layout*
(d) picture
3-I'm sure that computer program you use creates a very good letter design but it's far too ......... for me.
(a) *comprehensive
(b) *complicated*
(c) *concentrated
(d) *composite
4-The biggest ......... in business can be eliminated if you have sufficient capital to start with.
(a) *scene
(b) *risk
(c) *encounter
(d) *harm
5-Shortly after he was dismissed from the firm he decided to ......... himself up in his own business.
(a) *put
(b) *set
(c) *place
(d) *hold
6-However well written the play is, it will never succeed without outstanding ..........
(a) performers*
(b) ******
(c) *******
(d) creators
7-They were ......... of having broken into the stately home and stolen several famous paintings.
(a) charged
(b) described
(c) accused*
(d) blamed
8-The one thing my family will always remember about Grace was the many ......... of kindness that she showed us in her long life.
(a) deeds
(b) acts*
(c) actions
(d) feats
9-You must decide and ......... up your mind.
(a) do
(b) get
(c) make
(d) take
10-They are completely ......... up with all the noise in the centre of town.
(a) tired
(b) fed
(c) sick
(d) ill
11-He has lots of money and ......... two houses in the city.
(a) holds
(b) owns
(c) occupies
(d) possesses
12-"Don't play with matches. They're very dangerous." -- The teacher ......... the children not to play with matches.
(a) ordered
(b) asked
(c) warned
(d) begged
13-I think it would be a good idea to ......... in your letter that you have worked in that type of business previously.
(a) describe
(b) mention
(c) show
(d) demonstrate
14-As there are so many dishes on the menu, would you like me to ......... something to eat?
(a) decide
(b) suggest
(c) offer
(d) consider
15-The problem about writing on food is that however hard you try, you will say what you like and end up being ..........
(a) subjective
(b) objective
(c) reflective
(d) directive
16-my grandma is not*
(a) alive*
(b) life*
17-My father ........ for work at 8 a.m.
1) leaves*
2) goes
3) exits
18-It's clear as they say that great minds think ......... because we have both come to exactly the same conclusion.
(a) same
(b) similar
(c) like
(d) alike*
19-The brothers will ......... school both together at the end of this year.
(a) *end
(b) *ending
(c) *finish*
(d) *finishes
20-After the children had ......... doing their homework, the whole family watched television.
(a) *ends
(b) *ended
(c) *fnishes
(d) *finished
21-Why are you driving so fast?"
"I'm _____."
(a)must be hurry
(b)in hurry
(c)in a hurry
22-Can you give me a ............ information about the house?
(a) few*
(b)little more*
23-people drink coffee .......drink a joice
(a) others
(b) another
(c) the other
(d) the others
24-the hall .........place
25-she prepare lunch........ and ........children
(a)herself , her
26. I _____ finish my work before lunch yesterday, so I went shopping.
a-able to
b-was able to
d-could have
*27-there is bacteria .......... in unwashed vegetable*
a-can found*
b-can be found