عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #604 (permalink)  
قديم 18-07-2014, 02:24 AM
أغاثا أغاثا غير متصل
عضو مهم
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2013
الدولة: المملكة العربية السعودية
المشاركات: 231
معدل تقييم المستوى: 25
أغاثا يستحق التميز

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الكيميائي نادر مشاهدة المشاركة
Dear Teaching Assistant ,

Warm greetings from King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Science.

We are very pleased that you have been accepted as a Teaching Assistant at our prestigious university, and are joining our team.

Now you are probably wondering what you need to do. This email will take you through the recruitment steps.

· As a first step of our recruitment process, you are kindly requested to submit the below documents for authentication purpose at our office on Sunday & Monday 20 /07/ 2014 at from 11:00 A.M. – 03:00 P.M. King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences– College of Medicine 3rd Floor. Kindly find the map attached in the email

Updated CV in English.
Original Educational Certificates and transcripts + copies.
Original Experience Certificates, if any + copies.
Original Training Courses, if any + copies.
Original Saudi ID + a copy.
No Objection Certificate from your guardian and it should be signed from his employer (you can find it attached)+ Original Saudi family ID + a copy

· Second, you are kindly requested to fast for 12 Hours in order to undergo a Pre-Employment Medical Examination at the same day. (you will be notified later)

P.S. Please confirm your attendance and be reminded to bring all the required documents + Copies.

Thank you for your interest to join KSAU-HS, and we wish you all the best.

For further details, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Welcome on board!

Razana Maimani

Recruitment Specialist II

King Saud bin AbdulAziz University for Health Sciences.

Recruitment Services Department-Jeddah
T: Direct +966 222 45879

Ext: 84 45879

*: 6556

* maimanira@ngha.med.sa

Description: ok logo

احد جتو رساله اليوم على الاميل من الجامعه بخصوص الإجراءات الثانيه ( أغاثا وبشائر وسعود)
ايوه أنا جاتني رسالة جوال من غير إيميل
إن شاء الله ح أروح الاتنين، يا ليت اللي يروح الأحد يبلغنا ايش يسير معاه : ).
رد مع اقتباس