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قديم 09-11-2014, 11:57 AM
الصورة الرمزية التوظيف الزاهد
التوظيف الزاهد التوظيف الزاهد غير متصل
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2014
الدولة: جدة
المشاركات: 79
معدل تقييم المستوى: 22
التوظيف الزاهد يستحق التميز
Red face فرص وظيفية للسعوديين و السعوديات في الزاهد للتراكتورات في IT

Zahid Tractor hiring Saudis in IT Department -Jeddah under the following job titles:
الزاهد للتراكتورات يرغب في توظيف سعوديين بجدة تحت المسميات التالية:

1- "Information Technology Security Officer"
Has a degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering.
10 years experience in IT Security.

2- "Manager-Business Systems"
B.Sc. in Computer Science.
5-10 years experience in software project management.

3- " Senior Analyst/Project Leader"
Has a degree in Computer Science, a Science Discipline or Business Studies with software development and information systems emphasis.
5 years at least 3 years working with Relational Database Management Systems and User-Interactive Information Systems.

4- roject Manager"
Has a degree in Computer Science, Science Discipline or Business Studies preferred.
5+ years in supervision and development of Info. Systems.

5- "Analyst/Programmer"
Has a degree in Computer Science, a Science Discipline or Business Studies is a must.
5+ years experience with Information Systems. At least 3 years working with Relational Database Management Systems, namely DB2/400, and User-Interactive Information Systems.

6- "System Operator"
Graduation with excellent grades, preferably in Science.
At least one year working experience on computers.

7- rogrammer-Female" للسعوديات فقط
B.S. degree in Computer Science, a Science Discipline or Business Studies.
One or more years relevant programming experience with AS/400 computers. At least one year programming of User-Interactive Information Systems.

Apply Today: zahid.com>>>career!
Please, mention the source is: Social Media-SM
Btalah Solutions

للتقديم ارسل سيرتك بالإنجليزية على موقع الزاهد للتراكتورات Zahid Group صفحة Career
مع ذكر المصدر reference/source منتديات حلول البطالة
Send an email with attaching your resume to:

Tel: +966-12-6876366

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