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قديم 24-12-2015, 03:12 AM
Um aso Um aso غير متصل
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2015
المشاركات: 42
معدل تقييم المستوى: 20
Um aso يستحق التميز

السلام عليكم اعتذر عن التآخير بكتب بعض الاسئلة اللي جات من التجميع السابق واللي اذكرها

الاختبار كان عبارة عن 4 اقسام تقدر ترجع للسؤال من اي قسم
القسم الاول 25 سؤال
الاستماع والصوت ماتقدر تسمعه الا مره وحده ركزوا فيه واطلعوا على الخيارات قبل لاتسمعون الصوت
وكان عباره عن ثواني الا يمكن مقطعين

اذكر من هالقسم
في سؤال كان ان كم كل قسم يحتاج نيرس
والاجابة الصح ان في كل قسم 10 نيرس باقي الاجابات كان مالها دخل ابدا

وفي سؤال كان يقول انه يحب القهوه بدون سكر ويحبه بالكريمه آكثر
كان السؤال ملخبط يبغى تركيز في السؤال والاجابة كانت الاجابه واضحة

How do you often play tennis
for Tow hours
almost every day
~مو متآكدة من الاجابة الصحصحة

وانا ما انصح انكم تعتدمون ع الاجابات السابقة في التجميع هنا خاصه في الاستماع
لان بعض الاجابات تتكرر في الاختيارات والسؤال يكون سؤال ثاني فتكون حاط ببالك اجابة خطآ وممكن تحل على اساس ان الاجابة ذكرت هنا وهي خطآ

قسم القواعد 30 سؤال

we _____ television yesterday
were see
were saw

the color of the rabbit is white_____
a) didn’t c) isn’t
b) doesn’t d) hasn’t

When the police arrived, the criminals _____ escaped.
were already
had already *
have already

I have trouble _____.
to remember my password
to remembering my password
remember my password
remembering my password

"Excuse me. Do you know where the bus terminal is?"
"It is _____ the large police station."
opposite of
opposed to
opposite with
opposite to

1. What year did you _____ university?
graduate from
graduating from

8. My brother will _____ for a few nights.
pr***de us up
pr***de us in
put us up
put us in

The board meeting was held _____.
at Tuesday
on Tuesday
with Tuesday
in Tuesday

وكان 25

compose message and send it
~ تو اكتشف اني فاهمتها غلط وحليتها غلط

They were ......... of having broken into the stately home and stolen several famous paintings.
(a) charged
(b) described
(c) accused* (d) blamed

jouhn turned up when he way least

The restaurant was listed in the guide as it had been ......... to be of the appropriate standard.
(a) valued
(b) esteemed
(c) respected (d) judged*

I do not go to _____ on sunday

hang on a minute mean:
3_keep it

في شيء انه اشتغل اكثر من مره فهو عنده ـــــ كويسه

if you had bought a house about thirty years ago you would certanly find that it had consider ably --------- in value
doubled \الاجابه

The success of a really good meal is that not only must it taste good but it should also look good and thus ......... to your eye.

(a) attract
(b) appeal
(c) attend
(d) appear

القراءة (القطع ماتغيرت ولا الآسئلة لكل قطعة 5 اسئلة وتتغير ترتيب الاجابات فلاحد يحفظ الاجابات بدون فهم)



القمر الآزرق


Is Tea Beneficial
Tea had a reputation for being both safe and almost always beneficial. However, scientists are now suggesting that tea may not be as safe as we had previously believed. Tea contains caffeine, and caffeine has been linked to sleeplessness and to the unpleasant jumpy feeling some people get when stressed. More seriously, there is a link between miscarriages, and pregnant women are advised to reduce their intake of tea until after their baby is born. Due to its critical side-effects, some people who like tea choose to be safer and drink a beverage from which the caffeine has been removed, decaffeinated tea, but many claim that it simply doesn't taste right. The reasonable thing to do is probably moderation; continue to enjoy a cup of tea, but don't have too many!
1. As it is pointed out in the passage, tea used to be considered to be ----.

A) having no damaging effect on people's health
B) beneficial in moderation
c) more dangerous than alcohol
D) causing jumpy feeling if drunk excessively
E) the only drink which people enjoyed in the morning

2. According to the passage, tea can be dangerous because it ----.

A) causes people to suffer from stress more than ever
B) makes all drinkers nervous and unable to sleep
C) reduces miscarriages if it is drunk too much by a pregnant woman
D) may bring about many illnesses that cannot be cured easily
E) may cause losing your baby before he/she is born

3. The writer points out that the best solution is to drink ----.

A) decaffeinated tea
B) instant coffee
C) tea in moderation
D) other beverages like hot chocolate
E) no tea at all

السوال الرابع كان معنى كلمة reputation

السؤال الخامس
مو متآكدة بس كان عن ان ليه الناس ماتحب decaffeinated tea
والاجابة لان طعمه مو حلو

شكر خاص لكوووم الايميل اللي ارسله كان شامل وخاصه ملف SS
للاسف انا كان ماعندي وقت وفي اشياء ماكملتها في هذا الملف ولما رجعت له الان لقيت فيه كثير من الاسئلة
عموما الاختبار كان سهل بس لازم لغتكم تكون كويسة بعد
لاتنسوني من دعواتكم وهذا اللي قدرت اذكره