عرض مشاركة واحدة
  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 12-08-2017, 02:43 PM
T-Acquisition-SA T-Acquisition-SA غير متصل
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2017
المشاركات: 63
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
T-Acquisition-SA يستحق التميز
فرصة وظيفية في مشروع مترو الرياض (Draftsman (Mechanical & Electrical)

A Company works in (Riyadh Metro Project). Looking to hire:

Draftsman (Mechanical & Electrical) Saudi National Only.


- Responsible to prepare MEP builders work.
- Responsible to prepare Electrical/Mechanical Shop Drawings like lighting, Dimming System, Street Lighting, small power layouts, cable trenches layout, cable trays layout, fire alarm systems, Telephone Layout, SMATV Layout, Audio Visual System, Public Address System and CCTV security surveillance systems, MV & ELV Panels Installation Details, Earthing Lightning Protection, HVAC and Plumbing that are fully coordinated to the other MEP services.
- Responsible to prepare MEP reflected ceiling plan that need to be issue for site construction.

Education & Requirement

- Diploma in Computers Aided Design & Drafting
- Professional in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Office, MS Power Point, Windows Application, Auto
- Minimum 5 year experience
- Have a good experience in preparing Shop Drawings for Lighting layout, Small Power layout, Emergency Lighting layout, Cable Containment Layout, Fire Alarm System, Public Address, Access Control System, Earthing and Lightning Protection System.
- Have a good experience in preparing Shop Drawings for HVAC Ducting Layout, Chilled Water Piping, Plumbing, Drainage and Fire Fighting Sprinkler Layout
- Familiar for preparing MEP-Coordination drawings, Slab and Wall Builders Work, Installation Details and Section Elevation specially in Electrical Room & Plantroom area.

Please send updated CV and mention the post name to:
