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قديم 06-01-2019, 04:06 PM
التموين التجارية التموين التجارية غير متصل
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2015
المشاركات: 101
معدل تقييم المستوى: 20
التموين التجارية يستحق التميز
Regional Brand Activation Area manager

(Regional Brand Activation Area manager (Eastern Region

- Previous experience at sales & promoter field.

- Excellent communication skills.

- Analytical skills ( due to part of the job managing and organizing the team at the field).

-Computer and English skills.

-A business college degree is preferable.

-Business Management skills.

-Work days From Saturday to Thursday - Work hours are flexible.

-Medical insurance + One month vacation every 11 months.

-Salary from 6,000 SR to 8,500 SR.

Job Description:

• *****ing the targets and goals set for your area.

• Servicing the needs of your existing customers.

• Increasing business opportunities through various routes to market.

• Setting sales targets for the individual promoter and your team as a whole

• Provide training and development for staff.

• Allocating areas for promoters.

• Developing sales strategies and setting targets.

• Monitoring your team's performance and motivating them to ***** targets.

• Possibly dealing with some major customer accounts yourself.

• Plan and develop promoters’ strategies that balance customers’ expectations and the company’s objectives.

• Monitor stock movement and consider markdowns, promotions, price changes.

• Recruitment skills.

please send the CV to: east.jobs@fmcg.mynaghi.com

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