للسعودين فقط
مطلوب عدد 4 وظائف في شركة كبرى بالدمام
عدد 2 منسق قسم المعايره
عدد 2 منسق مشتروات
Procurement Coordinator
Job purpose :
To schedule and coordinate procurement and Contracts related activities.
Qualifications :
01- Bachelor’s degree or diploma in Supply Chain or Procurement or Contracts management.
02- Minimum 6 months experience in supply Chain or Procurement or Contracts management
(Preferred 1 year experience).
03- Driving License (Preferred).
01- Communication skills (Written and Verbal both in English, Preference will be given for English/Arabic Both)
02- Time Management & Organizational Skills
03- Negotiation skill
04- Positive Thinking
05- Time Management & Organizational Skills
Coordinator for Calibration Department
Coordinator for Calibration Department:
Preferred Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree
0–01-year experience in a similar position
Age: 21-35 years
01- Communication skills (Written and Verbal both in English, Preference will be given for English/Arabic Both)
02- Time Management & Organizational Skills
03- Negotiation skill
04- Positive Thinking
05- Time Management & Organizational Skills
الرجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتيه باللغتين العربيه والانقليزيه على الاييميل التالي :
مع كتابة عنوان النوظيف عند الارسال
الايميل الذي لا يحتوي على عنوان بمسمى الوظيفه سيتم استبعاده
شكرا لكم